Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
17981 référencesreferences (720 pages)
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[17238] | 2022 | George, M. |
An investigation of the link between changing titles and administrative reforms in Early Dynastic Egypt Sixth Australasian Egyptology Conference. June 9-11, 2022. Macquarie University Sydney. Abstracts 16-17 |
[17233] | 2022 | Gatto, M.C. |
Interconnected worlds: Ancient Egypt and its neighbours Interdisciplinary Egyptology SI1, 11 |
[17203] | 2022 | Ferretti, E. |
The Neolithic Badarian culture of Egypt: A review of social complexity through objects of long-distance exchange Sixth Australasian Egyptology Conference. June 9-11, 2022. Macquarie University Sydney. Abstracts 16 |
[17183] | 2022 | Ebraheem, M.O. & Ibrahim, H.A. |
Contributions of ground-penetrating radar in research of some predynastic and dynastic archaeological sites at the eastern and western banks of the River Nile, Assiut, Egypt Archaeological Prospection 29,2 177-189 |
[17173] | 2022 | Döhl, R. |
Felsbilder Ägyptens. Zeichen einer sozialisierten Landschaft |
[17124] | 2022 | Christie's New York |
An Egyptian amethyst jar Antiquities. 12 April 2022. Live auction 20677 n° 11 |
[17114] | 2022 | Charles Ede Ltd. |
Terracotta painted jar. Terracotta painted jar. Red and yellow limestone shallow bowl Catalogue 201 4-8, 66-67 |
[17104] | 2022 | Carballo-Pérez, J. & Schrader, S.A. |
Embodied labours in engendered bones: Reflections on social inequality and physical stress during the state formation in Egypt and Nubia (4400-1750 BCE) Bodies in ancient Egypt. Subjects, objects, media. Münster, July 15-17 2022 3-4 |
[17083] | 2022 | Bruske, M. |
"Even the smallest bead has a story to tell". A study on the usage and meaning of beads and amulets during state formation Current research in Egyptology. Montpellier, 26-30 September 2022. Book of abstracts 19 |
[17080] | 2022 | Briois, F.; Midant-Reynes, B. & Tristant, Y. |
Go West: New discoveries concerning the PPNB in the eastern desert of Egypt between the Sinai and the Nile valley Tracking the Neolithic in the Near East. Lithic perspectives on its origins, development and dispersals. The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the PPN Chipped and Ground Stone Industries of the Near East, Tokyo, 12th–16th November 2019 357-370 |
[17070] | 2022 | Bonhams |
An Egyptian Black-topped pottery jar. An Egyptian greywacke palette. An Egyptian square greywacke palette. An Egyptian grewacke palette in the form of a bird. An Egyptian greywacke palette. Four Egyptian stone vessels. An Egyptian banded alabaster jar. Two Egyptian stone bowls. An Egyptian nummulitic limestone macehead. An Egyptian limestone squat jar Antiquities. 7 July 2022 n° 1-9, 52 |
[17032] | 2022 | Babcock, J.M. |
Curated desertscapes in ancient Egyptian tombs and investigating iconographies of the wild Arts 11 |
[17016] | 2022 | Angevin, R. |
Tailler la pierre, façonner le prestige Les objets d'exception en silex de la nécropole royale d'Abydos (Ire-IIe dynasties) Sur la piste d'Osiris. Emile Clément Amélineau (1850-1915), un égyptologue vendéen 84-91 |
[17013] | 2022 | Allan, S.J. |
Horus, Seth and Ra in the second dynasty: A re-evaluation of gods and kingship Sixth Australasian Egyptology Conference. June 9-11, 2022. Macquarie University Sydney. Abstracts 3-4 |
[17003] | 2022 | Abdel-Gawad, H.; Hogenboom, P.; Mohamed, M.; Morfini, I.; Mostafa, R. & Weiss, L. |
The origins from the Palaeolithic to Early Dynastic Egypt |
[18035] | 2021 | Xue Jiang & Yan Haiying |
[The expression of kingship in the Predynastic Period of ancient Egypt] [Chinese] [Art Panorama] 2021,11 28-33 |
[18011] | 2021 | van den Bercken, B. & de Gelder, L. |
Het oudste aardewerk in de collecties van het Allard Pierson, Van Cheshmeh-Ali tot Badari Allard Pierson Magazine 123 22-26 |
[18003] | 2021 | TimeLine auctions |
Egyptian alabaster bowl. Egyptian diorite offering bowl. Egyptian greywacke cosmetic palette. Egyptian black-topped jar collection Ancient art & antiquities. 30 November 2021 n° 1-2, 5-6 |
[18002] | 2021 | TimeLine auctions |
Egyptian painted storage jar. Egyptian squat breccia jar. Egyptian black and white granite bowl. Egyptian greywacke animal palette collection Ancient art & antiquities. 7 September 2021 n° 3-5, 29 |
[17994] | 2021 | Stadler, M.A. & Zauzich, K.-T. (eds.) Dirksen, S.C. & Kurz, E. (coll.) |
Die Sammlung Kiseleff im Martin-von-Wagner-Museum der Universität Würzburg. 1: Ägyptische und Koptische Antiken 39, 72, 171-175, 181-187, 197, 242, 248-249, 268-270, 285, 291 |
[17983] | 2021 | Sotheby's Hong Kong |
An Egyptian dolomite jar Eclectic. 14 July 2021. HK1071 n° 2019 |
[17960] | 2021 | Rogger, I. |
Le tombeau « royal » de Naqada L’Égypte au MEN : regards croisés. Les collections du Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel 10 84-89 |
[17959] | 2021 | Rogger, I. |
Les palettes prédynastiques : simples objets utilitaires ? L’Égypte au MEN : regards croisés. Les collections du Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel 10 80-83 |
[17958] | 2021 | Rogger, I. |
La culture matérielle au Néolithique et à la période prédynastique L’Égypte au MEN : regards croisés. Les collections du Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel 10 68-71 |
[17957] | 2021 | Rogger, I. |
La céramique préhistorique : un marqueur de l’évolution des cultures anciennes dans la vallée du Nil L’Égypte au MEN : regards croisés. Les collections du Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel 10 72-79 |