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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[17599] 2022 Varadzinová, L. & Jakoubek, M.
On food, pots, gender, iron, and archaeological theory: Interview with professor Randi Haaland
AAR 39 113-132
[17580] 2022 Thierry de Maigret
Vase tubulaire
Arts précolombiens - art tribal. Art de l'islam. Archéologie. Hôtel Drouot, Vendredi 11 mars 2022 n° 210
[17569] 2022 Szafran, M.
Surface pitting on Predynastic palettes
Interdisciplinary Egyptology V.1,2
[17567] 2022 Stewart, M.
Painted by fire: An investigation of Predynastic black-topped pottery
Sixth Australasian Egyptology Conference. June 9-11, 2022. Macquarie University Sydney. Abstracts 44-45
[17565] 2022 Stauder, A.
Origine et premiers développements de l'écriture hiéroglyphique égyptienne
Guide des écritures de l'Egypte ancienne 34-41
[17561] 2022 Speck, S.
Ancient bodies and modern bias: Sex and gender concepts in Predynastic anthropomorphic sculpture revisited
Bodies in ancient Egypt. Subjects, objects, media. Münster, July 15-17 2022 23
[17557] 2022 Sotheby's New York
Egyptian black-topped redware beaker
The Amy & Elliot Lawrence collection. New York, 24 May 2022. N10968 n° 4
[17556] 2022 Sotheby's London
An Egyptian breccia or diorite jar. An Egyptian greywacke cosmetic palette
Ancient sculptures and works of art. London, 5 July 2022. L22260 n° 120, 140
[17547] 2022 Shirai, N.
The local development and Levantine influence seen in the stone tools of the Fayum Neolithic in Egypt
Tracking the Neolithic in the Near East. Lithic perspectives on its origins, development and dispersals. The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the PPN Chipped and Ground Stone Industries of the Near East, Tokyo, 12th–16th November 2020 371-385
[17532] 2022 Schreiber, A. & Striedter, K.H.
The dama gazelle Nanger dama (Pallas, 1766) in Saharan rock art
Anthropozoologica 57,8 185-209
[17488] 2022 Oron, M.
The flint assemblage from Ashqelon Afridar, Area N
Atiqot 107 29-33
[17485] 2022 Oliver Forge Brendan Lynch
Flint knife. Porphyritic diorite pestle. Diorite furniture fitting. Diorite palette. Diorite palette. Greywacke fish palette. Greywacke palette in the form of an animal. Greywacke palette depicting a Nile scene. Porphyritic diorite jar. Breccia twin-handled vase. Breccia twin-handled vase. Basalt twin-handled vase. Schist offering tray. Pottery jar. Pottery jar. Terracotta twin-handled vessel. Breccia dish. Breccia twin-handled flask. Diorite jar. Calcite twin-handled jar
"Yes, wonderful things" Egyptian art from 3000 - 100 B.C. n° 1-15, 43-46, 48
[17430] 2022 Mawdsley, L.
Serekhs and the cemetery: Tarkhan during the Naqada IIIC1 period
Sixth Australasian Egyptology Conference. June 9-11, 2022. Macquarie University Sydney. Abstracts 33
[17375] 2022 Kuronuma, T.
Lemon-shaped' vessels in Upper Egypt: A case study of the cemeteries in the Naqada region during the middle Predynastic period
Current research in Egyptology. Montpellier, 26-30 September 2022. Book of abstracts 57
[17362] 2022 Ktalav, I.
Molluscs from the Early Bronze Age site at Ashqelon Afridar, Area N
Atiqot 107 39-42
[17360] 2022 Köpp-Junk, H.
Clappers in ancient Egypt: Wood or ivory for the same event or ritual?
Telestes 2 51-62
[17335] 2022 Kerk, L.
Tattoos in ancient Egypt: Human bodies as artefacts and media
Bodies in ancient Egypt. Subjects, objects, media. Münster, July 15-17 2022 11
[17334] 2022 Kelly, S.
Women's engagement in the ideological domain, dynasties 1-6
Sixth Australasian Egyptology Conference. June 9-11, 2022. Macquarie University Sydney. Abstracts 28-29
[17333] 2022 Kelly, S.
Women's engagement in the ideological domain dynasties 1-6
Current research in Egyptology. Montpellier, 26-30 September 2022. Book of abstracts 53
[17320] 2022 Jurgielewicz, A.
Boat procession at the Gebelein textile - New reconstruction and interpretation
Current research in Egyptology. Montpellier, 26-30 September 2022. Book of abstracts 50
[17318] 2022 Junge, F.
Oops, they did it again - Spatial distribution patterns of ceramic vessels in Early Dynastic tombs at Helwan
Current research in Egyptology. Montpellier, 26-30 September 2022. Book of abstracts 49
[17298] 2022 Hôtel des ventes de Monte-Carlo
Lot de 9 pointes du Fayum. Grattoir en silex. Couteau en silex. 6 éléments en silex "spearhead". Lame de couteau. Canif à dos. Ensemble de forets
Glyptique & bijoux anciens. Préhistoire-archéologie. Art précolumbien. Dimanche 17 juillet 2022 n° 244, 247-251
[17253] 2022 Gorny & Mosch
Nilpferd. Schwarze Basaltvase. Schminkpalette aus Diorit
Auktion 287. Kunst der Antike. 12. Juli 2022 n° 328, 333, 335
[17244] 2022 Golani, A.
Ashqelon Barneʻa. The Early Bronze Age site II: The finds
IAA Reports 70
[17243] 2022 Golani, A.
The Early Bronze Age site of Ashqelon Afridar, Area N
Atiqot 107 1-27