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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caireof Oriental Archaeology - Cairo

Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[7660] 1994 Klemm, R.; Klemm, D.
Chronologischer Abriss der antiken Goldgewinnung in der Ostwüste Ägyptens
MDAIK 50 189-222
[7652] 1994 Kahl, J.
Das System der ägyptischen Hieroglyphenschrift in der 0.-3. Dynastie
Göttinger Orientforschungen. IV. Reihe Ägypten. Band 29
[7629] 1994 Hendrickx, S.
Antiquités préhistoriques et protodynastiques d'Egypte
Guides du département égyptien 8
[7616] 1994 Grimal, N.
Travaux de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale en 1993-1994. 13. Désert oriental
BIFAO 94 423-434
[7594] 1994 Giddy, L.L.
Digging diary 1993
Egyptian Archaeology 4 12-14
[7591] 1994 Geus, F.
L'île de Saï à travers l'histoire du Soudan
Les Dossiers d'Archéologie 196 22-27
[7548] 1994 Egypt Exploration Society
Wadi Abu Had
Report for the year 1993/94 12-14
[7530] 1994 Decker, W.; Herb, M.
Bildatlas zum Sport im Alten Ägypten. Corpus der bildlichen Quellen zu Leibesübungen, Spiel, Jagd, Tanz & verwandten Themen
Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung, Vierzehnte Band 31-2,292-7,353-7,382,456,546-7,638-42,663,682,859
[7499] 1994 Červíček, P.
Archaische Orantendarstellungen auf ägyptischen und nubischen Felsbildern
Hommages à Jean Leclant. Vol. 2. Nubie, Soudan, Ethiopie. BdE 106,2 97-103
[7473] 1994 Bomann, A.; Young, R.
Preliminary survey in the Wadi Abu Had, Eastern Desert, 1992
JEA 80 23-44
[7471] 1994 Bomann, A.
Discoveries in the Eastern Desert
Egyptian Archaeology 4 29-30
[7418] 1994 Alfano, C.
Rock pictures of the Eastern Desert of Egypt (1989 campaign)
Etudes nubiennes. Conférence de Genève. Actes du VIIe Congrès international d'études nubiennes, 3-8 septembre 1990. Vol II 117-124
[7615] 1993 Grimal, N.
Travaux de l'IFAO en 1993. 12. Désert oriental
BIFAO 93 482-488
[4295] 1993 Leclant, J.; Clerc, G.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 1991-1992. Ouadi el-Barramiya
Orientalia 62 269
[2491] 1993 Giddy, L.L.
Digging diary 1992-93
Egyptian Archaeology 3 7-9
[1936] 1993 Egypt Exploration Society
Wadi Abu Had
The Egypt Exploration Society. Report for the year 1992/93 8-9
[1797] 1993 Dittmann, A.
Environmental and climatic change in the northern part of the Eastern Desert during Middle Palaeolithic and Neolithic times
Environmental change and human culture in the Nile basin and Northern Africa until the Second Millenium B.C., Studies in African Archaeology 4 145-152
[656] 1993 Bomann, A.
Search in the Eastern Desert
Egyptian Archaeology 3 41-43
[4689] 1992 Midant-Reynes, B.
Préhistoire de l'Egypte. Des premiers hommes aux premiers pharaons
[4443] 1992 Majer, J.
The Eastern Desert and Egyptian Prehistory
The Followers of Horus. Studies dedicated to Michael Allen Hoffman 227-234
[2580] 1992 Goodman, S.M.; Hobbs, J.J.; Brewer, D.J.
Nimir cave: Morphology and fauna of a cave in the Egyptian Eastern Desert
Palaeoecology of Africa 23 73-90
[2430] 1992 Gawarecki, S.L.; Perry, S.K.
Late Pleistocene human occupation of the Suez Rift, Egypt: A key to landform development and climatic regime
The Followers of Horus. Studies dedicated to Michael Allen Hoffman 139-146
[1192] 1992 Červíček, P.
Chorology and chronology of Upper Egyptian and Nubian rock art up to 1400 B.C
Sahara 5 41-48
[578] 1992 Berger, M.A.
Predynastic animal-headed boats from Hierakonpolis and Southern Egypt
The Followers of Horus. Studies dedicated to Michael Allen Hoffman 107-120
[4815] 1991 Mortensen, B.
Change in the settlement pattern and population in the beginning of the historical period
Ägypten und Levante 2 11-37