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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[12868] 2007 van den Brink, E.C.M.; Gophna, R.; Ovadiah, A.
Burial cave 2 in the Azor-Holon cemetery: An Early Bronze Age I tomb with Egyptian finds
Ägypten und Levante 17 59-71
[12345] 2007 Watrin, L.
The relative chronology of the Naqada culture: A view from Buto, Ma'adi, Harageh and Gerzeh
The International Conference of Naqada and Qus region. Monastery of the Archangel Michael, Naqada, Egypt 22-28 January 2007. Preprints vol. I 1-30
[12303] 2007 Sievertsen, U.
Wine drinking at HK6
Nekhen News 19 13
[12151] 2007 Honoré, E.
Earliest cylinder-seal glyptic in Egypt: From greater Mesopotamia to Naqada
The International Conference of Naqada and Qus region. Monastery of the Archangel Michael, Naqada, Egypt 22-28 January 2007. Preprints vol. I 31-45
[13960] 2006 Saidel, B.; Erickson-Gini, T.; Vardi, J.; Rosen, S.A.; Maher, E.; Greenfield, H.
Test excavations at Rogem Be'erotayim in western Negev
Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 36 201-229
[12898] 2006 Yekutieli, Y.
The ceramics of Tel 'Erani, Layer C
Journal of the Serbian Archaeological Society 22 225-242
[12339] 2006 von der Way, T.
Zur zeitlichen Korrelierung der Buto-Ma'âdi-Kultur mit dem kanaanäischen Raum
Timelines. Studies in honour of Manfred Bietak. Vol. II 59-66
[12329] 2006 van den Brink, E.C.M.; Braun, E.
South Levantine influences on Egyptian stone and pottery production: Some rare examples
Archaeology of early northeastern Africa. In memory of Lech Krzyżaniak 817-825
[12301] 2006 Shirai, N.
Supra-regional concepts in Near Eastern neolithisation from a viewpoint of Egyptian Neolithic research
Paléorient 32 7-21
[12223] 2006 Mączyńska, A.
Egyptian - southern Levantine interaction in the 4th and 3rd millennium B.C. - A view from Tell el-Farkha
Archaeology of early northeastern Africa. In memory of Lech Krzyżaniak 945-957
[12208] 2006 Lebeau, M.; De Putter, T.
Un fragment de vase en pierre égyptien, vraisemblablement d'époque protodynastique, découvert à Tell Beydar (Syrie)
Baghdader Mitteilungen 37 279-294
[11999] 2006 Bagh, T.
Tributes' and the earliest pictorial representations of foreign oil and wine vessels
Timelines. Studies in honour of Manfred Bietak. Vol. II 9-24
[11849] 2006 Ohshiro, M.
The cradle period of ancient Egyptian culture. A study of the inflow of foreign elements in Pre and Early Dynastic Egypt
GM 210 93-104
[11771] 2006 Hartung, U.
Bemerkungen zur Architektur und Chronologie der unterirdischen und halbunterirdischen Bauten in der prädynastische Siedlung van Maadi
Timelines. Studies in honour of Manfred Bietak. Vol. II 35-44
[11732] 2006 Friedman, R.F.
New tombs and new thoughts at HK6
Nekhen News 18 11-12
[11880] 2005 Tutundžić, S.P.
A preliminary view on the appearance of Canaanites at Chalcolithic Buto I, Lower Egypt
Journal of the Serbian Archaeological Society 21 113-123
[11715] 2005 de Miroschedji, P.R.; Sadeq, M.
The frontier of Egypt in the Early Bronze Age: Prelimary soundings at Tell al-Sakan (Gaza Strip)
Archaeological perspectives on the transmission and transformation of culture in the Eastern Mediterranean. Levant Supplementary Series 2 155-169
[11690] 2005 Braun, E.
Identifying ethnicity from prehistoric pottery in ancient Egypt and the Southern Levant
Archaeological perspectives on the transmission and transformation of culture in the Eastern Mediterranean. Levant Supplementary Series 2 140-154
[11665] 2005 Yekutieli, Y.
Iconography of local resistance
L'Egypte pré- et protodynastique. Les origines de l'état. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State. Toulouse (France) - 5-8 sept. 2005. Livret des résumés. Abstracts of papers 89
[11587] 2005 Sievertsen, U.
Niched architecture in early Mesopotamia and early Egypt
L'Egypte pré- et protodynastique. Les origines de l'état. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State. Toulouse (France) - 5-8 sept. 2005. Livret des résumés. Abstracts of papers 79-81
[11586] 2005 Shirai, N.
Walking with herdsmen: In search of the material evidence for the diffusion of agriculture from the Levant to Egypt
Neo-Lithics 2005/1 12-17
[11520] 2005 Morenz, L.D.
Genese und Verwendungskontext archaischer Prunk-Objekten aus Ägypten
GM 206 49-59
[11489] 2005 Mączyńska, A.
Some remarks on Egyptian-Palestinian interrelation in the beginning of the 4th millennium BC
L'Egypte pré- et protodynastique. Les origines de l'état. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State. Toulouse (France) - 5-8 sept. 2005. Livret des résumés. Abstracts of papers 68
[11483] 2005 Lovell, J.L.
New finds of Egyptian origin at Chalcolithic Wadi Rayyan, Jordan
L'Egypte pré- et protodynastique. Les origines de l'état. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State. Toulouse (France) - 5-8 sept. 2005. Livret des résumés. Abstracts of papers 64-65
[11363] 2005 Guyot, F.
The roots of the "Naqadian expansion" phenomenon and the secondary social formation in the Egyptian, Nubian and South-Levantine areas
L'Egypte pré- et protodynastique. Les origines de l'état. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State. Toulouse (France) - 5-8 sept. 2005. Livret des résumés. Abstracts of papers 43-46