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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[6770] 1969 Vaufrey, R.
Egypte et confins du désert Libyque. Soudan nilotique
Préhistoire de l'Afrique. Tome I. Au nord et à l'est de la grande forêt 209-264
[6769] 1969 Vaufrey, R.
L'art rupestre saharien. Gravures rupestres naturalistes
Préhistoire de l'Afrique. Tome I. Au nord et à l'est de la grande forêt 170-175
[2021] 1969 Embabi, N.S.
The semi-playa deposits of Kharga Depression, the Western Desert, Egypt
BSGE 41/42 73-88
[6347] 1966 Smith, P.E.L.
The Late Paleolithic of Northeast Africa in the light of recent research
Recent studies of paleoanthropology. American Anthropologist, special publication 68.2.2. 326-355
[4833] 1963 Moustafa, Y.S.
On some Pleistocene human remains from the Kharga Oasis
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of the United Arab Republic 1 219-222
[485] 1960 Baumgartel, E.J.
The cultures of Prehistoric Egypt II
[2209] 1959 Forde-Johnston, J.L.
Neolithic cultures of North Africa. Aspects of one phase in the development of the African Stone Age cultures
Liverpool University Monographs in Archaeology and Oriental Studies
[483] 1955 Baumgartel, E.J.
The cultures of Prehistoric Egypt I
2nd. rev. ed
[5515] 1954 Pittioni, R.
Späteste Steinzeit und Lebensraum. Ein Beitrag zum Problem der pseudo-diskontinuierlichen Endomodifikation
Anzeiger der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse 91 367-374
[6767] 1953 Vaufrey, R.
L'age de la pierre en Afrique. Exposé synoptique
Journal de la Société des Africanistes 23 103-138
[4740] 1952 Mitwalli, M.
History of the relations between the Egyptian oases of the Libyan Desert and the Nile Valley
Bulletin de l'Institut Fouad I du Désert 2,1 114-131
[2370] 1952 Gardner, E.W.
The physiographic setting
Kharga Oasis in Prehistory 1-14
[1163] 1952 Caton-Thompson, G.
The Kharga Oasis in Prehistory
[4876] 1951 Murray, G.W.
Perforated disks and pot-stands
Bulletin de l'Institut Fouad I du Désert 1 157-160
[2112] 1951 Fakhry, A.
The rock inscriptions of Gabal el-Teir at Kharga Oasis
ASAE 51 401-434
[4546] 1949 Massoulard, E.
Préhistoire et protohistoire de l'Egypte
[5946] 1948 Sauter, M.R.
Préhistoire de la Méditerranée: Paléolithique - Mesolithique 123-133
[477] 1947 Baumgartel, E.J.
The cultures of Prehistoric Egypt I
[1162] 1946 Caton-Thompson, G.
The Aterian industry: Its place and significance in the Palaeolithic world
JRAI 76 87-130
[1161] 1946 Caton-Thompson, G.
The Levalloisean industries of Egypt
PPS 12 57-120
[3233] 1941 Huzayyin, S.A.
The place of Egypt in Prehistory: A correlated study of climate and cultures in the Old World
MIE 43
[7295] 1939 Winkler, H.A.
Rock drawings of southern Upper Egypt. II. Sir Robert Mond Desert Expedition
EES 27
[3231] 1939 Huzayyin, S.A.
Some new light on the beginnings of Egyptian civilization. A synopsis of culture complexes and contacts of Egypt in Late Prehistoric and Protodynastic times, with special references to the flint industries
BSRGE 20 203-273
[3230] 1938 Huzayyin, S.A.
The place of the Sahara-Arabian area in the Palaeolithic culture-sequence of the Old World: A synoptic review of recent data
BIE 20 263-295
[2369] 1935 Gardner, E.W.
The Pleistocene flora and fauna of Kharga Oasis, Egypt
Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 91 479-518