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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[8694] 1986 Davis, W.M.
The canonical tradition in ancient Egyptian art
Dissertation Abstracts International. Section A. The Humanities and Social Sciences 47,3 689
[8012] 1986 Malek, J.
The beginnings. Gathering pace
In the shadow of the pyramids. Egypt during the Old Kingdom 13-37
[5982] 1986 Schäfer, H.
On the formative period of 'Egyptian' art
Principles of Egyptian art Rev. ed. 9-13
[4769] 1986 Monnet-Saleh, J.
Interprétation globale des documents concernant l'unification de l'Egypte
BIFAO 86 227-238
[4376] 1986 Logan, T.J.; Williams, B.B.
Pharaonic themes in art before Narmer
ARCE Annual Meeting. Washington 1986 30
[1955] 1984 Eiwanger, J.
Die Vorgeschichte
Das Alte Ägypten 31-39
[1569] 1984 Davis, W.M.
The earliest art in the Nile Valley
Origin and early development of food-producing cultures in North-Eastern Africa 81-94
[1567] 1984 Davis, W.M.
Representation and knowledge in the Prehistoric rock art of Africa
AAR 2 7-36
[6627] 1983 Trigger, B.G.
The rise of Egyptian civilization
Ancient Egypt: A social history 1-70
[6626] 1982 Trigger, B.G.
The rise of civilization in Egypt
Cambridge history of Africa. Vol. I. From the earliest times to c. 500 BC 478-547
[2167] 1982 Finkenstaedt, E.
Painting style and place association in most ancient Egypt
BCE 7 37-39
[1563] 1982 Davis, W.M.
The canonical theory of composition in Egyptian Art
GM 56 9-26
[1481] 1981 Curto, S.
L'antico egitto
Societa e costume 9
[6105] 1980 Schulze, P.H.
Auf den Schwingen des Horusfalken. Die Geburt der ägyptischen Hochkultur
[3081] 1980 Hoffman, M.A.
Egypt before the pharaohs. The Prehistoric foundations of Egyptian civilization
[1725] 1980 de Saint-Blanquat, H.
Avant l'histoire ..
Sciences et Avenir numéro spécial n° 30 10-15
[1613] 1980 Debono, F.
Préhistoire de la vallée du Nil
Histoire générale de l'Afrique. I. Méthodologie et préhistoire africaine 669-691
[60] 1980 Aldred, C.
The Archaic period
Egyptian art 31-44
[178] 1979 Andreieva, M.V.
[The designs on silver Maikop vessels] [Russian]
[Soviet Archaeology] 1 22-34
[1624] 1978 de Cenival, J.L.
Le monde égyptien. Les pharaons. Le temps des pyramides 41-57
[1610] 1978 Debono, F.
La préhistoire
Le monde égyptien. Les pharaons. Le temps des pyramides 31-40
[4694] 1977 Midant-Reynes, B.; Braunstein-Silvestre, F.
Le chameau en Egypte
Orientalia 46 337-362
[3741] 1977 Krzyżaniak, L.
Early farming cultures on the Lower Nile. The Predynastic period in Egypt
Travaux du Centre d'Archéologie Méditerranéenne de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences 21
[6622] 1976 Trigger, B.G.
The archaeology of Nubia. Prehistory. The A-Group and the Old Kingdom
Nubia under the pharaohs 11-48
[3555] 1976 Kink, H.A.
[L'artisanat artistique dans l'Egypte archaïque et dans les pays limitropes] [Russian]