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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[15549] 2016 Castillos, J.J.
In search of the true nature of the god Seth
GM 250 81-92
[15548] 2016 Castillos, J.J.
The location of richer and/or larger children and subadult graves in Egyptian Naqada III cemeteries
GM 248 91-102
[15545] 2016 Campagno, M.
Kinship, sacred leadership, and conditions for the emergence of the Egyptian state
Egypt at its Origins 4. Proceedings of the fourth international conference "Origin of the state. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", New York, 26th - 30th July 2011. OLA 252 493-504
[15542] 2016 Bußmann, R.
Great and little traditions in Egyptology
10. ägyptologische Tempeltagung: Ägyptische Tempel zwischen Normierung und Individualität. München,29.-31. August 2014 37-48
[15537] 2016 Braun, E.
Little pot who made thee ? Dost thou know who made thee ?
Vienna 2 - Ancient Egyptian ceramics in the 21st century. Proceedings of the international conference held at the University of Vienna, 14th-18th of May, 2012. OLA 245 69-84
[15536] 2016 Brandl, B.
The sealings and the pr-wr labels from tomb U-j at Umm el-Qa'ab, Abydos reconsidered
Egypt at its Origins 4. Proceedings of the fourth international conference "Origin of the state. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", New York, 26th - 30th July 2011. OLA 252 207-225
[15534] 2016 Bonhams
An Egyptian stone two part jar. An Egyptian breccia jar
Antiquities. Wednesday 30 November 2016. Sale number 23365 n° 159, 177
[15533] 2016 Bonhams
An Egyptian silt fish vessel. An Egyptian breccia jar. An Egyptian stone jar. Two Egyptian flint blades
Antiquities. Thursday 7 July 2016 n° 102, 205-207
[15532] 2016 Böckler, N.
Die Flöte im Alten Ägypten
[15531] 2016 Berger, M.A.
Military technology in ancient Egypt
Encyclopaedia of the history of science, technology, and medicine in non-western cultures. 3rd. ed 3225-3236
[15530] 2016 Berens, V.
Het creëren van het onbestaande. Composietdieren van de predynastieke tijd tot en met het Middenrijk
Ta-Mery 9 2-21
[15529] 2016 Begon, M.
Aux origines de l'exploitation pharaonique des carrières d'Assouan ? Retour sur la lecture de l'inscription du bas-relief de Nag el-Hamdulab (NH 7, tableau 7a)
Archéo-Nil 26 173-183
[15526] 2016 Bąk-Pryc, G.
Stone vessels from Tell el-Farkha. Seasons 2001-2011
Egypt at its Origins 4. Proceedings of the fourth international conference "Origin of the state. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", New York, 26th - 30th July 2011. OLA 252 3-20
[15520] 2016 Anselin, A.
Sociological aspects of the development of the phonetic writing in the Predynastic inscriptions and potmarks
Egypt at its Origins 4. Proceedings of the fourth international conference "Origin of the state. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", New York, 26th - 30th July 2011. OLA 252 463-492
[15519] 2016 Anselin, A.
L'image comme echo II. La faune, l'iconographie et la langue. Zoonymies, zoonomies, métaphores zoomorphes
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie 21 27-46
[15474] 2016 van den Brink, E.C.M.; Köhler, E.C.; Smythe, J.C.
Intact wine jars with pre-firing potmarks from the Early Dynastic cemetery at Helwan, Egypt
Préhistoires de l'écriture. Iconographie, pratiques graphiques et émergence de l'écrit dans l'Egypte prédynastique. Prehistories of writing. Iconography, graphic practices and emergence of writing in Predynastic Egypt 63-86
[15417] 2016 Piquette, K.E.
Documenting early Egyptian imagery. Analysing past technologies and materialities with the aid of reflectance transformation imaging (RTI)
Préhistoires de l'écriture. Iconographie, pratiques graphiques et émergence de l'écrit dans l'Egypte prédynastique. Prehistories of writing. Iconography, graphic practices and emergence of writing in Predynastic Egypt 87-112
[15353] 2016 Lankester, F.
Egyptian script and rock art. Connected or unconnected ?
Préhistoires de l'écriture. Iconographie, pratiques graphiques et émergence de l'écrit dans l'Egypte prédynastique. Prehistories of writing. Iconography, graphic practices and emergence of writing in Predynastic Egypt 29-46
[15349] 2016 Lange, E.
Verlorene Vielfalt - Die Archäologie des Nildeltas in prädynastischer Zeit
Antike Welt 2016,1 42675
[15346] 2016 Laatsch, K.
Die Wiege der Sonne - Die Badari- und Naqada I-III-Kulturen des prädynastischen Ägypten
Antike Welt 2016,1 8-10
[15343] 2016 Kuhn, R.
Nar(-mer). Ein frühzeitliches Königsleben
Antike Welt 2016,1 23-26
[15330] 2016 Köhler, E.C.
Helwan - Einblicke in eine Nekropole der Stadt Memphis
Antike Welt 2016,1 27-34
[15329] 2016 Köhler, E.C.
Die Königsnekropole in Abydos - Zur Entstehung des pharaonischen Königstums
Antike Welt 2016,1 17-22
[15326] 2016 Kobusiewicz, M.
The production, use and importance of flint tools in the Archaic period and the Old Kingdom of Egypt
Archaeopress Egyptology 12
[15307] 2016 Jiménez-Serrano, A.
Different aspects related to the most ancient Egyptian writing
Préhistoires de l'écriture. Iconographie, pratiques graphiques et émergence de l'écrit dans l'Egypte prédynastique. Prehistories of writing. Iconography, graphic practices and emergence of writing in Predynastic Egypt 21-28