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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caireof Oriental Archaeology - Cairo

Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[9197] 1999 Ciałowicz, K.M.
[The beginning of Egyptian civilization] [Polish]
[9196] 1999 Ciałowicz, K.M.
Deux fragments en relief de Hiérakonpolis
Etudes et travaux 18 35-42
[9152] 1999 Brass, M.; Jourdan, F.
The pharaohs dynastic rule of ancient Egypt. The Early Dynastic (Archaic) period
InScription 5 7-12
[9122] 1999 Baines, J.
Scrittura e società nel più antico Egitto
Sesh. Lingue e scritture nell'antico Egitto. Inediti dal Museo Archeologico di Milano 21-30
[9113] 1999 Anselin, A.
Le faucon et les pluviers - les métaphores du pouvoir à l'époque prédynastique en Egypte antique
Studia Africana 10 191-199
[9110] 1999 Alexanian, N.
The relief decoration of Khasekhemwy at the Fort
Nekhen News 11 14-15
[9106] 1999 Adams, B.
Unprecedented discoveries at Hierakonpolis
Egyptian Archaeology 15 29-31
[9105] 1999 Adams, B.
More surprises in the locality HK6 cemetery
Nekhen News 11 4-5
[9104] 1999 Adams, B.
The Painted Tomb at Hierakonpolis
Nekhen News 11 23
[9103] 1999 Adams, B.
Encyclopedia of the archaeology of ancient Egypt 371-374
[9102] 1999 Adams, B.
Early temples at Hierakonpolis and beyond
Centenary of Mediterranean archaeology at the Jagiellonian University 1897-1997 15-28
[14386] 1998 Rice, M.
The royal and divine bull of Egypt
The power of the bull 116-152
[9195] 1998 Ciałowicz, K.M.
The king and his retinue. The origins of Archaic accompanied burials
Gdańsk Archaeological Museum African Reports, vol. 1 23-32
[9089] 1998 Ziegler, C.
The Predynastic period, the Thinite period and the Third Dynasty
Egyptian treasures from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo 26-49
[9086] 1998 Williams, B.B.
The wearer of the leopard skin in the Naqada period
Ancient Egypt, the Aegean and the Near East. Studies in honour of Martha Rhoads Bell. Vol. I 483-496
[9067] 1998 van Wetering, J.F.L.
Ideologie in het vroege Egypte
Profiel 8,1 49-75
[9052] 1998 Spencer, A.J.
L'Egitto dalle preistoria alla protostoria
Kemet. Alle sorgenti del tempo 35-38
[9050] 1998 Sourouzian, H.
Concordances et écarts entre statuaire et représentations à deux dimensions des particuliers de l'époque archaïque
Les critères de datation stylistiques à l'Ancien Empire. BdE 120 305-352
[9033] 1998 Savage, S.H.
AMS radiocarbon dates from the Predynastic Egyptian cemetery, N.7000, at Naga-ed-Dêr
JAS 25 235-249
[9009] 1998 Park, R.
A tale of two brothers and the pomegranate
DE 42 121-129
[9007] 1998 Osborn, D.J.; Osbornová, J.
The mammals of ancient Egypt
[8985] 1998 Menu, B.
Le corpus constitutionnel de Narmer
Egypte, Afrique & Orient 8 22-27
[8984] 1998 Menu, B.
Hiérakonpolis, berceau de la monarchie pharaonique
Egypte, Afrique & Orient 8 18-21
[8983] 1998 Menu, B.
L'affirmation du pouvoir royal et les documents fondateurs de la monarchie
Egypte, Afrique & Orient 8 13-17
[8972] 1998 Mark, S.
From Egypt to Mesopotamia. A study of Predynastic trade routes