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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[10174] 2001 Pérez Arroyo, R.
Periodos Predinástico y tinita
Egipto. La música en la era de las pirámides 23-74
[10097] 2001 Kahl, J.
Hieroglyphic writing during the Fourth Millennium BC: An analysis of systems
Archéo-Nil 11 101-134
[10062] 2001 Hartung, U.
Umm el-Qaab II. Importkeramik aus dem Friedhof U in Abydos (Umm el-Qaab) und die Beziehungen Ägyptens zu Vorderasien im 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr
Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 92
[9863] 2001 Midant-Reynes, B.
[The Prehistory of Egypt. From the first Egyptians to the first pharaohs] [Arabic]
[9783] 2001 Ikram, S.
Nile currents
KMT 12,3 4-11
[9742] 2001 Giddy, L.L.
Digging diary 2000
Egyptian Archaeology 18 28-32
[10139] 2000 Lombardo, G.
Some remarks on the Archaic cylinder seals from Egypt, Mesopotamia and Susiana: Analogies and differences in iconography and pattern organisation
Proceedings of the First International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 787-802
[9855] 2000 Mallory, L.M.
Predynastic and First Dynasty Egyptian basalt vessels
[9434] 2000 Midant-Reynes, B.
The Prehistory of Egypt. From the first Egyptians to the first pharaohs
[9417] 1999 Baqué Manzano, L.
La percepción del mundo natural durante el período predinástico egipcio: las representaciones de paisajes en los elementos de ajuar (vegetales y animales en el proceso formativo de una conciencia humana del entorno)
Encyclopedie religieuse de l'univers végétal. Croyances phytoreligieuses de l'Egypte ancienne 37-68
[9269] 1999 Flores, D.V.
The funerary sacrifice of animals during the Predynastic period (Egypt)
[9197] 1999 Ciałowicz, K.M.
[The beginning of Egyptian civilization] [Polish]
[9112] 1999 Anderson, D.A.
Abydos, Predynastic sites
Encyclopedia of the archaeology of ancient Egypt 104-106
[8876] 1998 Hendrickx, S.
La nécropole de l'Est à Adaïma. Position chronologique et parallèles
Archéo-Nil 8 105-128
[8864] 1998 Hartung, U.
Prädynastische Siegelabrollungen aus dem Friedhof U in Abydos (Umm el-Qaab)
MDAIK 54 187-217
[8798] 1998 Donadoni Roveri, A.M.; Tiradritti, F. (eds.)
Kemet. Alle sorgenti del tempo
[8769] 1998 Castillos, J.J.
Inequality in Egyptian Predynastic cemeteries
RdE 49 25-36
[8768] 1998 Castillos, J.J.
Tomb size distribution in Egyptian Predynastic tombs
DE 40 51-65
[8385] 1997 Castillos, J.J.
New data on Egyptian Predynastic cemeteries
RdE 48 251-256
[8358] 1997 Bavay, L.
Matière première et commerce à longue distance: le lapis-lazuli et l'Egypte prédynastique
Archéo-Nil 7 79-100
[8320] 1996 Wilkinson, T.A.H.
State formation in Egypt. Chronology and society
BAR International series 651. Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology 40
[8645] 1994 Takamiya-Harigai, I.
[Ivories, hippopotamus tusks, and bone artifacts in the Naqada culture cemeteries] [Japanese]
BSNESJ 37,1 104-120
[7966] 1994 Wilkinson, T.A.H.
A new comparative chronology for the Predynastic - Early Dynastic transition
Journal of the Ancient Chronology Forum 7 5-26
[7652] 1994 Kahl, J.
Das System der ägyptischen Hieroglyphenschrift in der 0.-3. Dynastie
Göttinger Orientforschungen. IV. Reihe Ägypten. Band 29
[7629] 1994 Hendrickx, S.
Antiquités préhistoriques et protodynastiques d'Egypte
Guides du département égyptien 8