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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[7003] 1984 W.P.
Wadi Hamamat
Papyrus 1984,2 41-42
[5045] 1984 Needler, W.
Predynastic and Archaic Egypt in The Brooklyn Museum
Wilbour Monographs 9
[1660] 1984 de Morgan, H.
Archaeological researches in the Nile Valley between Esna and Gebel es-Silsila (1908)
Predynastic and Archaic Egypt in the Brooklyn Museum 50-66
[1357] 1982 Cleyet-Merle, J.-J.; Vallet, F.
Archéologie comparée. Catalogue sommaire des collections du musée de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 1 68-165
[5043] 1980 Needler, W.
Two important Predynastic graves from Henri de Morgan's excavations
BAIEPE 1 1-15
[4306] 1980 Leclant, J.; Huard, P.
La culture des chasseurs du Nil et du Sahara
Mémoires du Centre des Recherches Anthropologiques, Préhistoriques et Etnographiques, 29. 2 vols
[1611] 1979 Debono, F.
A propos de la curieuse représentation d'une giraffe dans l'ouvrage de Belon du Mans
Hommages à la mémoire de Serge Sauneron 1927-1976. II. Egypte post-pharaonique. BdE 82 417-458
[7175] 1978 Wenig, S.
From Prehistoric times to the Ninth Century B.C
Africa in antiquity. The arts of ancient Nubia and the Sudan. 2. The catalogue 20-41, 114-122
[5040] 1978 Needler, W.
Henri De Morgan's excavations with special consideration to two important Predynastic graves
ARCE Annual Meeting. New York University 1978 13
[1856] 1976 Dreyer, G.; Karig, J.S.
Vor und Frühdynastische Zeit
Ägyptische Kunst aus dem Brooklyn Museum n° 1-8
[877] 1976 Bulckens, B.
La période prédynastique et archaïque
Egypte éternelle. Chefs-d'oeuvre du Brooklyn Museum 15-25
[2139] 1975 Fazzini, R.A.
The Predynastic and Early Dynastic periods
Images for eternity: Egyptian art from Berkeley and Brooklyn 1-14
[3409] 1974 Kantor, H.J.
Frühe Stufen der Kunst 227-255
[3293] 1974 James, T.G.H.
Corpus of hieroglyphic inscriptions in the Brooklyn Museum. I. From Dynasty I to the end of Dynasty XVIII
Wilbour Monographs 6 1-9
[690] 1974 Bothmer, B.V.; Keith, J.L.
Brief guide to the Department of Egyptian and Classical art
2nd. rev. ed. 12-19
[3210] 1973 Huard, P.; Leclant, J.
Figurations de pièges des chausseurs anciens du Nil et du Sahara
RdE 25 136-177
[17641] 1972 Bass, G.F.
The earliest seafarers in the Mediterranean and the Near East
A history of seafaring based on underwater archaeology 12-36
[3209] 1972 Huard, P.; Leclant, J.
Problèmes archéologiques entre le Nil et le Sahara
Etudes Scientifiques, septembre-décembre 1973
[4842] 1970 Müller, H.W.
Die Vorgeschichte. Reichseinigungszeit
Ägyptische Kunst n° VI-X
[7190] 1968 Westendorf, W.
Vorgeschichte - Reichseinigungszeit - Frühzeit
Das Alte Ägypten 13-28
[6660] 1968 Ucko, P.J.
Anthropomorphic figures of Predynastic Egypt and Neolithic Crete with comparative material from the Prehistoric Near East and mainland Greece
Royal Anthropological Institute, Occasional Papers 24
[4859] 1968 Müller-Karpe, H.
Handbuch der Vorgeschichte. Band II. Jungsteinzeit. Regesten gewichtiger Funde 396-413
[5728] 1967 Resch, W.F.E.
Die Felsbilder Nubiens. Eine Dokumentation der ostägyptischen und nubischen Petroglyphen
[6662] 1963 Ucko, P.J.; Hodges, H.W.M.
Some Predynastic Egyptian figurines: Problems of authenticity
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute 26 205-222
[6335] 1962 Smith, H.S.
Unesco's international campaign to save the monuments of Nubia. Preliminary reports of the Egypt Exploration Society's Nubian survey