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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[11817] 2005 Krzyżaniak, L.; Chłodnicki, M.; Jórdeczka, M.; Lemiesz, M.
Archaeological reconnaissance between Shemkhiya and Khor um Ghizlan (left bank of the Nile) 2003
GAMAR 4 39-43
[11768] 2005 Grimal, N.; Adly, E.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 2003-2004. El-Multaga
Orientalia 74 309-311
[11765] 2005 Grimal, N.; Adly, E.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 2003-2004. Saï
Orientalia 74 297-300
[11717] 2005 Derricourt, R.
Getting "Out of Africa": Sea crossings, land crossings and culture in the hominin migrations
Journal of World Prehistory 19 119-132
[11708] 2005 Chłodnicki, M.; Żurawski, B.
From Khor Umm Ghizlan to Shemkhiya. Archaeological survey in the Fourth Cataract region, december 2004
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 16 369-383
[11280] 2005 Crevecoeur, I.; Maureille, B.; Van Peer, P.
The first human occupation of the Nile Valley: Anthropological and cultural data
L'Egypte pré- et protodynastique. Les origines de l'état. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State. Toulouse (France) - 5-8 sept. 2005. Livret des résumés. Abstracts of papers 27-28
[15105] 2004 Aumassip, G.
Préhistoire du Sahara et de ses abords
[12799] 2004 Rose, J.I.
New evidence for the expansion of an Upper Pleistocene population out of East Africa, from the site of Station One, Northern Sudan
Cambridge Archaeological Journal 14 205-216
[11629] 2004 Van Peer, P.
Did Middle Stone age moderns of Sub-Saharan African descent trigger an Upper Paleolithic revolution in the Lower Nile Valley ?
Anthropologie 42 215-225
[11628] 2004 Van Peer, P.
Sudan, ancient treasures. An exhibition of recent discoveries from the Sudan National Museum 25-28
[11605] 2004 Svoboda, J.A.
The Middle Paleolithic of Southern Bahariya Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt
Anthropologie 42 227-241
[10783] 2004 Grimal, N.; Adly, E.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 2002-2003. Saï
Orientalia 73 127-131
[13926] 2003 Osypiński, P.; Osypińska, M.
Affad 23
Survey and excavations between Old Dongola and Ez-Zuma 270-272
[11054] 2003 Van Peer, P.; Fullager, R.; Stokes, S.; Bailey, R.M.; Moeyersons, J.; Steenhoudt, F.; Geerts, A.; Vanderbeken, T.; De Dapper, M.; Geus, F.
The Early to Middle Stone Age transition and the emergence of modern human behaviour at site 8-B-11, Sai Island, Sudan
Journal of Human Evolution 45,2 187-193
[10957] 2003 Osypiński, P.
Palaeolithic sites from Southern Dongola Reach Survey. Preliminary report
Cultural markers in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa and recent research. Studies in African Archaeology 8 307-324
[10881] 2003 Kleindienst, M.R.
Strategies for studying Pleistocene archaeology based upon surface evidence: First characterization of an older Middle Stone Age unit, Dakhleh Oases, Western Desert, Egypt
The Oasis Papers 3. Proceedings of the Third International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project 1-42
[10616] 2003 Borcowski, Z.
The work of the Gdańsk Archaeological Museum Expedition in the Sudan
Sudan & Nubia 7 81-84
[11579] 2002 Schild, R.; Wendorf, F.
Palaeolithic living sites in Upper and Middle Egypt: A review article
JFA 29 447-461
[11086] 2002 Vermeersch, P.M.; Van Peer, P.; Paulissen, E.
Middle Palaeolithic chert quarying at Nazlet Khater 3
Palaeolithic quarrying sites in Upper and Middle Egypt. Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 4 99-111
[11085] 2002 Vermeersch, P.M.; Van Peer, P.; Paulissen, E.
Middle Palaeolithic chert quarying at Nazlet Khater 2
Palaeolithic quarrying sites in Upper and Middle Egypt. Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 4 79-97
[11084] 2002 Vermeersch, P.M.; Van Peer, P.; Paulissen, E.
Middle Palaeolithic chert quarying at Nazlet Khater 1
Palaeolithic quarrying sites in Upper and Middle Egypt. Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 4 27-78
[11082] 2002 Vermeersch, P.M.; Van Peer, P.
Conclusions on Palaeolithic chert extraction in Egypt
Palaeolithic quarrying sites in Upper and Middle Egypt. Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 4 353-359
[11079] 2002 Vermeersch, P.M. (ed.)
Palaeolithic quarrying sites in Upper and Middle Egypt
Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 4
[11078] 2002 Vermeersch, P.M.
Palaeolithic quarrying sites in Upper and Middle Egypt. Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 4 7-11
[11055] 2002 Van Peer, P.; Vermeersch, P.M.; Paulissen, E.; Huyge, D.
Palaeolithic chert quarrying at Nazlet Safaha
Palaeolithic quarrying sites in Upper and Middle Egypt. Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 4 139-209