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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[14709] 2013 Spencer, P.
Digging diary 2012-2013
Egyptian Archaeology 43 28-31
[14698] 2013 Shackelford, L.; Marshall, F.; Peters, J.
Identifying donkey domestication through changes in cross-sectional geometry of long bones
JAS 40,12 4170-4179
[14680] 2013 Riemer, H.; Lange, M.; Kindermann, K.
When the desert dried up: Late Prehistoric cultures and contacts in Egypt and northern Sudan
The first cataract of the Nile. One region - diverse perspectives. SDAIK 36 157-183
[14669] 2013 Raue, D.
Centre and periphery. Elephantine and its surroundings in the third millennium BC
The first cataract of the Nile. One region - diverse perspectives. SDAIK 36 149-156
[14656] 2013 Pawlikowski, M.
Why are there very few archaeological sites of the Early Holocene in the Egyptian Nile Valley ?
Neolithisation of Northeastern Africa. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 16 83-96
[14655] 2013 Patznick, J.-P.
Vous avez dit Den ? Pour une nouvelle proposition de lecture et de compréhension de ce nom d'Horus du milieu de la Première Dynastie
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie 17 55-63
[14642] 2013 Müller-Römer, F.
Der Schiffsbau im Alten Ägypten
Kemet 22,2 33-40
[14639] 2013 Morris, E.F.
Propaganda and performance at the dawn of the state
Experiencing power, generating authority. Cosmos, politics, and the ideology of kingship in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia 33-64
[14635] 2013 Monnier, F.
La houe et la forteresse ... Finalement, acte de fondation ou de destruction ?
ENiM 6 243-256
[14624] 2013 Meyrat, P.
De l'origine du bol en gneiss d'Aménirdis Ire (British Museum EA 4701)
ENiM 6 233-242
[14612] 2013 Marinova, E.; Ryan, P.; Van Neer, W.; Friedman, R.F.
Animal dung from arid environments and archaeobotanical methodologies for its analysis: An example from animal burials of the Predynastic elite cemetery HK6 at Hierakonpolis, Egypt
Journal of Environmental Archaeology 18,1 58-71
[14608] 2013 Lycett, S.J.; von Cramon-Taubadel, N.
A 3D morphometric analysis of surface geometry in Levallois cores: Patterns of stability and variability across regions and their implications
JAS 40 1508-1517
[14602] 2013 Linseele, V.
Early stock keeping in northeastern Africa: Near Eastern influences and local developments
Neolithisation of Northeastern Africa. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 16 97-108
[14601] 2013 Lesur, J.
Des animaux et des hommes en Egypte au Néolithique et Prédynastique. Les apports de l'archéozoologie
Archéo-Nil 23 33-54
[14591] 2013 Lankester, F.
Desert boats. Predynastic and Pharaonic era rock-art in Egypt's central Eastern Desert. Distribution, dating and interpretation
BAR International series 2544
[14570] 2013 Kleindienst, M.R.; Wiseman, M.F.
The Gebel Souhan problem: Local innovation in the Middle Stone Age ?
The Oasis Papers 6. Proceedings of the Sixth Internation Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project 73-86
[14564] 2013 Kelany, A.
The archaeological excavation and survey at the unfinished obelisk and at Wadi Subayra
The first cataract of the Nile. One region - diverse perspectives. SDAIK 36 97-102
[14550] 2013 Ikram, S.
Nile currents
KMT 24,1 4-6
[14545] 2013 Huyge, D.; Storemyr, P.
Unique geometric rock art at el-Hosh
Ancient Egypt 13,6 24-30
[14543] 2013 Huyge, D.
10.000 ans avant "l'art du contour"
Regards sur le dessin égyptien 13-23
[14524] 2013 Hardtke, F.E.
The place of rock art in Egyptian Predynastic iconography. Some examples from the fauna
Rock Art Research 30,1 103-114
[14516] 2013 Graff, G.; Kelany, A.
Paysages gravés: La longue continuité du Wadi Abu Subeira (Région d'Assouan, Egypte)
XXVe somposium du Valcamonica. Centro Camuni di Studi Preistorici. Septembre 2013. Capo di Ponte. Book of abstracts. Session 6 7
[14513] 2013 Graff, G.
Construire l'image, ordonner le réel. Les vases peints du IVe millénaire en Egypte
[14507] 2013 Gatto, M.C.
Late Prehistoric sites in the area between Aswan and Kom Ombo
The first cataract of the Nile. One region - diverse perspectives. SDAIK 36 59-66
[14506] 2013 Gatto, M.C.
Beyond the shale: Pottery and cultures in the Prehistory of the Egyptian Western Desert
The Oasis Papers 6. Proceedings of the Sixth Internation Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project 61-72