Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
5957 référencesreferences (239 pages) ToutAll
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[15654] | 2013 | Huyge, D.; Claes, W. |
Art rupestre gravé paléolithique de Haute Egypte: El-Hosh et Qurta Bulletin de l'Association Scientifique Liégoise pour la Recherche Archéologique 28 21-39 |
[15621] | 2013 | Graff, G.; Kelany, A. |
Paysages gravées: La longue continuité du Wadi Abu Subeira (région d'Assouan, Egypte) Art as a source of history. Valcamonica Symposium 2013 315-324 |
[15620] | 2013 | Gomez Vázquez, J.A. |
A propósito de la paleta de Narmer Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología 22 199-227 |
[15564] | 2013 | Chyla, J.M. |
[State of research on Gebelein archaeological site complex and use of the GIS in its documentation] [Polish] Medjat - Egyptological Studies 1 20-43 |
[15518] | 2013 | Adamski, B. |
[Was (first) beer made of porridge ? A few words abouty beer production and the development of brewing in ancient Egypt)] [Polish] Medjat - Egyptological Studies 1 7-19 |
[15466] | 2013 | Tassie, G.J.; van Wetering, J. |
The history and research of the Naqada region collection Forming material Egypt. Proceedings of the international conference London, 20-21 May, 2013. Egyptian and Egyptological documents, archives and libraries 4 61-77 |
[15378] | 2013 | Maydana, S.F. |
Aspectos sagrados de la cacería del hipopótamo en el Egipto Predinástico Coleccion ALADAA documento 1. XIV congreso international de ALADAA 1032-1052 |
[15351] | 2013 | Lankester, F. |
Threats to Egyptian rock-art Forming material Egypt. Proceedings of the international conference London, 20-21 May, 2013. Egyptian and Egyptological documents, archives and libraries 4 171-178 |
[15337] | 2013 | Kraemer, B. |
The Petrie's unpublished archaeological survey between Hu and Abydos MDAIK 69 143-170 |
[15220] | 2013 | Dreyer, G.; Engel, E.-M.; Hartmann, R.; Köpp-Junk, H.; Meyrat, P.; Müller, V.; Regulski, |
Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof 22./23./24. Vorbericht MDAIK 69 17-71 |
[15169] | 2013 | Bußmann, R. |
Re-materialising "state formation": Hierakonpolis 2.0 Forming material Egypt. Proceedings of the international conference London, 20-21 May, 2013. Egyptian and Egyptological documents, archives and libraries 4 31-41 |
[15087] | 2013 | Van Neer, W.; De Cupere, B.; Friedman, R. |
A leopard in the Predynastic elite cemetery HK6 at Hierakonpolis, Egypt Archaeozoology of the Near East X. Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Archaeozoology of South-Western Asia and Adjacent Areas. Ancient Near Eastern Studies suppl. 44 283-305 |
[15086] | 2013 | Van Neer, W.; De Cupere, B. |
Offering up the very young at HK6 Nekhen News 25 9 |
[15084] | 2013 | Vanhulle, D. |
Les stèles funéraires royales des deux premières dynasties à Abydos. A propos de la "stèle" de Den des Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire de Bruxelles Cde 88,176 203-229 |
[15082] | 2013 | van Dijk, R.M. |
The use of bucrania in the architecture of First Dynasty Egypt Journal for Semitics 22,2 449-463 |
[15030] | 2013 | Piquette, K.E. |
"Is it written"?: Making, remaking and unmaking early 'writing' in the lower Nile valley Writing as material practice: Substance, surface and medium 213-238 |
[15023] | 2013 | Paulson, J. |
Rendering the space-time continuum at HK6 Nekhen News 25 8 |
[15007] | 2013 | Nagaya, K. |
Fish and (flint) chips: An experimental approach Nekhen News 25 14-15 |
[15004] | 2013 | Müller, V. |
Ausgesonderter Hausrat, Privateigentum, Spezialfertigungen ? Zur Zusammensetzung einder königlichen Grabausstattung der 1. Dynastie Florilegium Aegyptiacum - Eine wissenschaftliche Blütenlese von Schülern und Freunden für Helmut Satzinger zum 75. Geburtstag am 21. Jänner 2013. Göttinger Miszellen Beihefte 14 255-270 |
[14999] | 2013 | Monnier, F. |
Tours de guet et tours swnww dans la campagne égyptienne Res Antiquae 10 367-388 |
[14991] | 2013 | Marshall, F.; Asa, C. |
A study of African wild ass behavior provides insights into conservation issues, domestication processes and archaeological interpretation Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 20 479-494 |
[14988] | 2013 | Marinova, E. |
Through the microscope: Messages from the grave Nekhen News 25 10-11 |
[14985] | 2013 | Magli, G. |
A land for eternity. A king who looks at the stars Architecture, astronomy and landscape in ancient Egypt 7-56 |
[14965] | 2013 | Kuhn, R. |
Prunk-Schminkpaletten aus der formativen Phase Altägyptens. Überlegungen zur Einteilung und Deutung einer Fundkategorie Das Altertum 58 115-150 |
[14964] | 2013 | Kuhn, R. |
Zu einigen Bestattungsformen im Ägypten der formativen Phase: Sekundärbestattungen und Mehrfachbestattungen Nekropolen: Grab - Bild - Ritual. Beiträge des zweiten Münchner Arbeitskreises Junge Aegyptologie (MAJA 2). 2. bis 4.12.2011. Göttinger Orientforschungen. IV. Reihe Ägypten. Bd. 54 127-140 |