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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[12884] 2008 Walters, E.J.
New findings from the Early Dynastic period from temple-town Hierakonpolis
Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists. Abstracts of papers 271
[12883] 2008 Wagner, G.; Schönfeld, P.
Westwüste: Fundstelle Chufu 01/01
Rundbrief DAI Oktober 2008 32-34
[12869] 2008 Van Neer, W.; Linseele, V.
More animal burials from the elite cemetery
Nekhen News 20 12-13
[12862] 2008 Tristant, Y.; Smythe, J.
New excavation of an old cemetery: Preliminary results of the Abu Rawash project
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 173-175
[12860] 2008 Tristant, Y.; De Dapper, M.; Aussel, S.; Midant-Reynes, B.
Cultural and natural environment in the eastern Nile Delta: A geo-archaeological project at Tell el-Iswid (Nile Delta)
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 171-173
[12859] 2008 Tristant, Y.
Deux grands tombeaux du cimetière M d'Abou Rawach (Ire dynastie)
Archéo-Nil 18 131-147
[12845] 2008 Takamiya, I.H.; Endo, H.
Return to the temple workshop: The manufacture of bifacial flint tools
Nekhen News 20 8-9
[12843] 2008 Takamiya, I.H.
Firing installations and specialization: A view from recent excavations at Hierakonpolis locality 11C
Egypt at its origins 2. Proceedings of the International Conference "Origin of the state, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Toulouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005 187-202
[12842] 2008 Takamiya, I.H.
A comparative study of heating/firing installations at Hierakonpolis
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 163-164
[12832] 2008 Stanley, J.-D.; Jorstad, T.F.; Bernasconi, M.P.; Stanford, D.; Jodry, M.
Predynastic human presence discovered by core drilling at the northern Nile delta coast, Egypt
Geology 36,8 599-602
[12830] 2008 Spencer, P.
Digging diary 2007
Egyptian Archaeology 32 25-28
[12815] 2008 Shirai, N.; Wendrich, W.; Cappers, R.
An archaeological survey in the northeastern part of the Fayum
Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists. Abstracts of papers 224-225
[12803] 2008 Rowland, J.M.
Pre- and early historic settlement in the central Delta: The potential for locating evidence through palaeo-environmental reconstruction and surface / sub-surface survey
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 158-159
[12796] 2008 Riemer, H.; Pöllath, N.; Nussbaum, S.; Teubner, I.; Berke, H.
El Kharafish. A Sheikh Muftah desert camp site between the oases and the Nile
Egypt at its origins 2. Proceedings of the International Conference "Origin of the state, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Toulouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005 585-608
[12795] 2008 Riemer, H.; Kindermann, K.
Contacts between the oasis and the Nile: A résumé of the Abu Muhariq plateau survey 1995-2002
Egypt at its origins 2. Proceedings of the International Conference "Origin of the state, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Toulouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005 609-633
[12793] 2008 Riemer, H.
Subsistence, territory and contacts of the Sheikh Muftah pastoral nomads during the 3rd millennium BC: A view from the desert
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 157
[12786] 2008 Regulski, I.
Investigating an unknown necropolis from the Second Dynasty at Saqqara-south
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 156-157
[12781] 2008 Raue, D.
Assuan: Survey auf der Westseite zwischen Gharb-Assuan und Naga el-Faris
Rundbrief DAI Oktober 2008 9
[12776] 2008 Podzorski, P.V.
The Early Dynastic mastabas of Naga ed-Deir
Archéo-Nil 18 89-102
[12765] 2008 N.N.
Neue Erkenntisse über eine neolithische Siedlung im Fajum
Kemet 17,2 61
[12757] 2008 Müller, V.
Released from the sand: New insights into the royal necropolis at Abydos Umm el-Qa'ab
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 54-55
[12751] 2008 Midant-Reynes, B.
A tale of two funerary traditions: The Predynastic cemetery at Kom el-Khilgan (East Delta)
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 53-54
[12735] 2008 Marinova, E.; Linseele, V.; Vermeersch, P.
Holocene environment and subsistence patterns near the Tree Shelter, Red Sea mountains, Egypt
Quaternary Research 70 392-397
[12731] 2008 Mączyńska, A.
Lower Egyptian-Naqadan transistion: A view from Tell el-Farkha
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 135-138
[12706] 2008 Lacher, C.M.
Das Grab des Hetepsechemui/Raneb in Saqqara - Ideen zur baugeschichtlichen Entwicklung
Zeichen aus dem Sand. Streiflichter aus Ägyptens Geschichte zu Ehren von Günter Dreyer. Menes 5 427-451