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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caireof Oriental Archaeology - Cairo

Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[10556] 2003 Wilkinson, T.A.H.
Genesis of the pharaohs
[11548] 2002 Piacentini, P.
Les premières dynasties
Les scribes dans la société égyptienne de l'Ancien Empire. Vol. I 42-82
[11521] 2002 Morenz, L.D.
Die Götter und ihr Redetext: Die ältestbelegte Sakral-Monumentalisierung von Textlichkeit auf Fragmenten der Zeit des Djoser aus Heliopolis
5. Ägyptologische Tempeltagung. Würzburg, 23.-26. September 1999. Ägypten und Altes Testament 33,3 137-158
[11500] 2002 Mattessich, R.
The oldest writings, and inventory tags of Egypt
Accounting Historians Journal 29,1 195-208
[11443] 2002 Kahl, J.
Schriftentwicklung in Ägypten
Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 4 62-67
[11032] 2002 Stoof, M.
Skorpion und Skorpiongöttin im alten Ägypten
Antiquitates. Archäologische Forschungsergebnisse 23
[11001] 2002 Rose, M.
King Scorpion: A pretty bad dude
Archaeology 55,3 54-55
[10970] 2002 Phillips, J.P.
In the beginning
The columns of Egypt 27-36
[10933] 2002 Morenz, L.D.
Gegner des Nar-mer aus dem Papyrus-Land: NW und W3-S
GM 189 81-88
[10911] 2002 Mallory-Greenough, L.M.
The geographical, spatial, and temporal distribution of Predynastic and First Dynasty basalt vessels
JEA 88 67-94
[10907] 2002 Lunsingh Scheurleer, R.A.
Egyptische aanwinsten uit Den Haag
Mededelingenblad Vereniging van Vrienden Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam 83 5-13
[10835] 2002 Ikram, S.
Nile currents
KMT 13,4 5-8
[10805] 2002 Hawass, Z.
The Predynastic and Archaic periods
Hidden treasures of the Egyptian Museum. One hundred masterpieces from the centennial exhibition 1-7
[10792] 2002 Hartung, U.
Abydos, Umm el-Qaab: le cimetière prédynastique U
Archéo-Nil 12 87-94
[10696] 2002 Engel, E.-M.; Kahl, J.
Soziale Exclusivität: Ein kanneliertes Schnurösengefäss in Kairo und Liverpool
Egyptian museum collections around the world vol. 1 313-325
[10673] 2002 Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Abteilung Kairo
Abydos / Umm el-Qaab
Rundbrief DAI September 2002 13-15
[10639] 2002 Cervelló Autuori, J.
Back to the mastaba tombs of the First Dynasty at Saqqara. Officials or kings ?
Egyptological essays on state and society 27-61
[10622] 2002 Breyer, F.A.K.
Die Schriftzeugnisse des Prädynastischen Königsgrabes U-j in Umm el-Qaab: Versuch einer Neuinterpretation
JEA 88 53-65
[10605] 2002 Belova, G.A.
Geo-political importance of Tell Ibrahim Awad
Ancient Egypt and antique Europe. Two parts of the Mediterranean world 5-8
[10558] 2002 Wozny, D.; Simoes, I. (eds.)
Expositions Parfums et cosmétiques dans l'Egypte ancienne au Musée du Caire et au musée de la Vielle Charité. Catalogue des objets présentés
Parfums et cosmétiques dans l'Egypte ancienne 141-144, 146, 170, 178-179
[10555] 2002 Wilkinson, T.A.H.
Reality versus ideology: The evidence for 'Asiatics' in Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt
Egypt and the Levant. Interrelations from the 4th through the early 3rd Millennium B.C.E 514-520
[10548] 2002 Watrin, L.
Tributes and the rise of a predatory power: Unraveling the intrigue of EB I Palestinian jars found by E. Amélineau at Abydos
Egypt and the Levant. Interrelations from the 4th through the early 3rd Millennium B.C.E 450-463
[10546] 2002 Vinci, S.
La nascita dello stato nell' Antico Egitto: La Dinastia "Zero"
Piccola biblioteca di egittologia 7
[10544] 2002 Verner, M.
Before the pyramids
The pyramids. The mystery, culture and science of Egypt's great monuments 15-29
[10534] 2002 van den Brink, E.C.M.; Braun, E.
Wine jars with serekhs from Early Bronze Lod: Appellation Vallée du Nil contrôlée, but for whom ?
In quest of ancient settlements and landscapes. Archaeological studies in honour of Ram Gophna 167-192