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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[8127] 1996 Goring-Morris, A.N.
Square pegs into round holes: A critique of Neeley & Barton
Antiquity 70 130-135
[8099] 1996 Dutour, O.; Hershkovitz, I.
North African and Levantine populations: Biological features and population dynamics at the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary
XIII Int. Cong. of Prehist. and Protohist. Sciences. Forli, 8/14 September 1996. Abstracts 2 147
[8076] 1996 Close, A.E.
Plus ça change. The Pleistocene - Holocene transition in Northeast Africa
Humans at the end of the ice-age. The archaeology of Pleistocene - Holocene transition 43-60
[8075] 1996 Clark, G.A.
Plus français que les Français
Antiquity 70 138-139
[8052] 1996 Barton, C.M.; Neeley, M.P.
Phantom cultures of the Levantine Epipaleolithic
Antiquity 70 139-147
[8050] 1996 Barich, B.E.
Early to Mid-Holocene occupation at Farafra (Western Desert, Egypt): A social approach
XIII Int. Cong. of Prehist. and Protohist. Sciences. Forli, 8/14 September 1996. Abstracts 2 73-74
[11949] 1995 Khabir, A.M.
Mesolithic and Neolithic ceramics in the central Sudan, 8th-3rd Millennium B.C., with special reference to the physico-scientific approach
[8906] 1995 Jahns, S.
A Holocene pollen diagram from El Atrun, Northern Sudan
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 4 23-30
[8353] 1995 Barich, B.E.
Geoarchaeology of Farafra (Western Desert) and the origin of agriculture in the Sahara and the Nile Valley
Proceedings of the Egyptian-Italian Seminar on Geoarchaeology and Archaeology in the Mediterranean Countries. Cairo, November 28-30 / 1993. The Geological Survey of Egypt, Special Publication 70 37-45
[8243] 1995 Negro, G.
Due nuove stazioni d'arte rupestre di probabile età epipaleolitica nell'area dell'Uadi Hamra
Sahara 7 51-68
[8173] 1995 Kaufman, D.
Microburins and microliths of the Levantine Epipalaeolithic. A comment on the paper by Neeley & Barton
Antiquity 69 375-381
[8110] 1995 Fellner, R.
Technology or typology ?: A response to Neeley & Barton
Antiquity 69 381-383
[7874] 1995 Shaw, I.; Nicholson, P.
British Museum dictionary of Ancient Egypt 93
[7638] 1995 Hopp, D.
Steinzeitliche Funde in Theben-West
Kemet 4,3 44-45
[7549] 1995 Egypt Exploration Society
Wadi Abu Had / Wadi Dib
Report for the year 1994/95 14-16
[10277] 1994 Wendorf, F.; Schild, R.
Are the Early Holocene cattle in the Eastern Sahara domestic or wild ?
Evolutionary Anthropology 3 118-128
[8242] 1994 Neeley, M.P.; Barton, C.M.
A new approach to interpreting Late Pleistocene microlith industries in Southwest Asia
Antiquity 68 275-288
[7946] 1994 Vermeersch, P.M.
L'homme et le Nil au paléolithique final
Archéo-Nil 4 5-16
[7932] 1994 Van Neer, W.
La pêche dans le Nil égyptien durant la préhistoire
Archéo-Nil 4 17-25
[7644] 1994 Idris, G.
Die Altsteinzeit im Sudan
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte. Archäologische Berichte 4
[7548] 1994 Egypt Exploration Society
Wadi Abu Had
Report for the year 1993/94 12-14
[7513] 1994 Clark, J.D.
Africa from the appearance of Homo sapiens sapiens to the beginning of food production
History of humanity. Vol. I. Prehistory and the beginnings of civilization 191-206
[7471] 1994 Bomann, A.
Discoveries in the Eastern Desert
Egyptian Archaeology 4 29-30
[7458] 1994 Bar-Yosef, O.
Western Asia from the end of the Middle Palaeolithic to the beginnings of food production
History of humanity. Vol. I. Prehistory and the beginnings of civilization 241-255
[14391] 1993 Wasylikowa, K.
[Polish archaeobotanical studies in north Africa: Nabta Playa (Egypt)]. [Polish]
Acta Palaeobotanica 37 183-184