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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[9311] 2000 Hendrickx, S.
Autruches et flamants - les oiseaux représentés sur la céramique prédynastique de la catégorie Decorated
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie 1 21-52
[9177] 2000 Cherry, P.
Noah's Egyptian ark. A field guide to the fauna of the Eastern Desert
The followers of Horus. Eastern Desert Survey Report. Volume one 187-191
[9755] 1999 Hassan, F.A.
The earliest goddesses of Egypt: Divine mothers and cosmic bodies
Ancient goddesses. The myths and the evidence 98-112
[9427] 1999 Meyer, C.
Wadi Hammamat
Encyclopedia of the archaeology of ancient Egypt 868-871
[9197] 1999 Ciałowicz, K.M.
[The beginning of Egyptian civilization] [Polish]
[8762] 1998 Casini, M.
Research prospects in the Eastern Desert
ASAE 73 45-48
[10242] 1996 Chapel, A.K.; Markoe, G.E. (eds.)
Mistress of the house, mistress of heaven. Women in ancient Egypt
n° 23a-e/o-r, 53a-b
[8278] 1996 Spanel, D.
Female figurine. Knife
The American discovery of ancient Egypt 107, 111
[8240] 1996 Mosjov, B.
Bowl. Palette with stylized birds. Fish palette. Jar with two tubular string-hole handles. Male figure. Jar with two wavy handles
The American discovery of ancient Egypt 103-106, 108, 110
[7629] 1994 Hendrickx, S.
Antiquités préhistoriques et protodynastiques d'Egypte
Guides du département égyptien 8
[7530] 1994 Decker, W.; Herb, M.
Bildatlas zum Sport im Alten Ägypten. Corpus der bildlichen Quellen zu Leibesübungen, Spiel, Jagd, Tanz & verwandten Themen
Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung, Vierzehnte Band 31-2,292-7,353-7,382,456,546-7,638-42,663,682,859
[4689] 1992 Midant-Reynes, B.
Préhistoire de l'Egypte. Des premiers hommes aux premiers pharaons
[578] 1992 Berger, M.A.
Predynastic animal-headed boats from Hierakonpolis and Southern Egypt
The Followers of Horus. Studies dedicated to Michael Allen Hoffman 107-120
[4815] 1991 Mortensen, B.
Change in the settlement pattern and population in the beginning of the historical period
Ägypten und Levante 2 11-37
[4245] 1991 Leclant, J.; Clerc, G.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 1989-1990. Recherches dans le désert oriental
Orientalia 60 246
[3248] 1990 Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte. Italie. Désert oriental
BIA 1 63-64
[5647] 1989 Redford, S.; Redford, D.B.
Graffiti and petropglyphs old and new from the Eastern Desert
JARCE 26 3-49
[2140] 1989 Fazzini, R.A.; Bianchi, R.S.; Romano, J.F.; Spanel, D.B.
Ancient Egyptian art in the Brooklyn Museum
n° 1-5
[521] 1989 Behrmann, A.
Das Nilpferd in der Vorstellungswelt der Alten Ägypter. Teil I, Katalog
Europaïsche Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXXVIII. Archäologie. Bd. 22
[7281] 1988 Willoughby, K.L.; Terry, G.D.
The first Egyptians: An overview
The First Egyptians 5-32
[6473] 1988 Stanton, E.B.; Hoffman, M.A.
Description of the exhibition artifacts
The first Egyptians 59-112
[3102] 1987 Hoffman, M.A.
A regional perspective of the Predynastic cemeteries of Hierakonpolis
The Fort cemetery at Hierakonpolis 187-202
[5195] 1986 Otto, B.
Der narrative und der hierographische Stil im frühen Ägypten und im Zweistromenland
Actes du congrès "Symmetrie" 137-149
[2723] 1986 Gundlach, R.
Wadi Hammamat
LdA 6 1099-1113
[1190] 1986 Červíček, P.
Rock pictures of Upper Egypt and Nubia
Annali Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, vol. 46, fasc. 1