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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caireof Oriental Archaeology - Cairo

Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[9269] 1999 Flores, D.V.
The funerary sacrifice of animals during the Predynastic period (Egypt)
[9197] 1999 Ciałowicz, K.M.
[The beginning of Egyptian civilization] [Polish]
[9089] 1998 Ziegler, C.
The Predynastic period, the Thinite period and the Third Dynasty
Egyptian treasures from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo 26-49
[8358] 1997 Bavay, L.
Matière première et commerce à longue distance: le lapis-lazuli et l'Egypte prédynastique
Archéo-Nil 7 79-100
[8415] 1995 el-Gayar, E.S.
Pre-Dynastic iron beads from Gerzeh, Egypt
Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies 19 11-12
[7424] 1995 Anđelković, B.
The relations between Early Bronze Age I Canaanites and Upper Egyptians
[7952] 1994 Vinson, S.
Before the Old Kingdom
Egyptian boats and ships 11-20
[7925] 1994 University College London
Guide to the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
Rev. ed.
[7629] 1994 Hendrickx, S.
Antiquités préhistoriques et protodynastiques d'Egypte
Guides du département égyptien 8
[7626] 1994 Hartung, U.
Bemerkungen zur Chronologie der Beziehungen Ägyptens zu Südkanaan in spätprädynastischer Zeit
MDAIK 50 107-113
[7443] 1994 Aston, B.G.
Ancient Egyptian stone vessels. Materials and forms
[6655] 1993 Tutundžić, S.P.
A consideration of differences between the pottery showing Palestinian characteristics in the Maadian and Gerzean cultures
JEA 79 33-55
[5270] 1993 Payne, J.C.
Catalogue of the Predynastic Egyptian collection in the Ashmolean Museum
[4623] 1993 McKerrell, H.
Results of radio-isotope non-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis of Predynastic Egyptian copper
Catalogue of the Predynastic Egyptian collection in the Ashmolean Museum 256
[9093] 1992 Favard-Meeks, C.
Face et profil dans l'iconographie égyptienne
OLP 23 15-36
[5820] 1992 Roth, A.M.
The Pss-kf and the 'Opening of the mouth' ceremony: A ritual of birth and rebirth
JEA 78 113-147
[4689] 1992 Midant-Reynes, B.
Préhistoire de l'Egypte. Des premiers hommes aux premiers pharaons
[4815] 1991 Mortensen, B.
Change in the settlement pattern and population in the beginning of the historical period
Ägypten und Levante 2 11-37
[3110] 1991 Hoffman, M.A.
Egypt before the pharaohs. The Prehistoric foundations of Egyptian civilization
Rev. ed.
[6822] 1990 Vermeersch, P.M.; Hendrickx, S.
Pierre éternelle du Nil au Rhin. Carrières et préfabrication 173-246 (passim)
[7380] 1989 Zarins, J.
Ancient Egypt and the Red Sea trade: The case for obsidian in the Predynastic and Archaic periods
Essays in ancient civilization presented to H.J. Kantor. SAOC 47 339-368
[4682] 1987 Midant-Reynes, B.
Contribution à l'étude de la société prédynastique: le cas du couteau "ripple-flake"
SAK 14 185-224
[1834] 1987 Drenkhahn, R.
Elfenbein im Alten Ägypten. Leihgaben aus dem Petrie-Museum, London. Sonderausstellung des Kestner-Museums Hannover vom 15. Januar bis 31. Mai 1987
[5195] 1986 Otto, B.
Der narrative und der hierographische Stil im frühen Ägypten und im Zweistromenland
Actes du congrès "Symmetrie" 137-149
[5614] 1983 Radwan, A.
Die Kupfer- und Bronzegefässe Ägyptens. (Von den Anfängen bis zum Beginn der Spätzeit)
Prähistorische Bronzefunde. Abteilung II, Band 2 3-34