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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caireof Oriental Archaeology - Cairo

Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[11044] 2003 Tutundžić, S.P.
Parallels between designs on Maadian painted pottery and on Gerzean D ware: An interpretation
Journal of the Serbian Archaeological Society 19 125-134
[10982] 2003 Raffaele, F.
Dynasty 0
Basel Egyptology Prize 1. Junior research in Egyptian history, archaeology and philology. Aegyptiaca Helvetica 17 99-141
[10979] 2003 Radwan, A.
Some remarks concerning the superstructure of some mastabas at Abusir
Egyptology at the dawn of the Twenty-first Century. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists. Cairo, 2000. Vol. 1. Archaeology 377-379
[10952] 2003 Odah, H.; Abdallatif; T.F.; al-Hemaly, I.A.; Abd All, E.
Gradiometer survey for detecting the ancient remains distributed northeast of the Djoser pyramid, Saqqara, Egypt
Archaeologia Polona 41 242-243
[10936] 2003 Morenz, L.D.
Ortsgötter, frühe Tempel und älteste Schriftzeugnisse in Ägypten
Archiv Orientalni 71 467-478
[10932] 2003 Milliken, S.
Catalogue of Palaeolithic artefacts from Egypt in the Pitt Rivers Museum
BAR International series 1166
[10929] 2003 Midant-Reynes, B.
Aux origines de l'Egypte. Du Néolithique à l'émergence de l'Etat
[10888] 2003 Köhler, E.C.
The new excavations in the Early Dynastic necropolis at Helwan
Archéo-Nil 13 17-27
[10887] 2003 Köhler, E.C.
Preliminary report on the 4th season of excavations at Helwan / Ezbet el-Walda by the Australian Centre for Egyptology of Macquarie University in Sydney
ASAE 77 83-90
[10886] 2003 Köhler, E.C.
Ursprung einder langen Tradition. Grab und Totenkult in der Frühzeit
Grab und Totenkult im Alten Ägypten 11-26
[10864] 2003 Kahl, J.
Statuette. Jahrestäfelchen. Stele. Jahrestäfelchen. Ovoides Tongefäss. Papyrusrolle. Siegelabrollung. Siegelabrollung
Der Turmbau zu Babel. Ursprung und Vielfalt von Sprache und Schrift. Band IIIB: Schrift 103-110
[10863] 2003 Kahl, J.
Entwicklung der frühen Hieroglyphenschrift
Der Turmbau zu Babel. Ursprung und Vielfalt von Sprache und Schrift. Band IIIA: Schrift 127-131
[10853] 2003 Jiménez-Serrano, A.
Chronology and local traditions: The representation of power and the royal name in the Late Predynastic period
Archéo-Nil 13 93-142
[10851] 2003 Jiménez-Serrano, A.
The first serekhs: Political change and regional conventions
Egyptology at the dawn of the Twenty-first Century. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists. Cairo, 2000. Vol. 3. Language, Conservation, Museology 242-251
[10837] 2003 Ikram, S.
Nile currents
KMT 14,2 3-6
[10836] 2003 Ikram, S.
Nile currents
KMT 14,1 4-8
[10815] 2003 Hendrickx, S.; Huyge, D.; Adams, B.
Le scorpion en silex du Musée royal de Mariemont et les silex figuratifs de l'Egypte pré- et protodynastique
Les Cahiers de Mariemont 28-29 6-33
[10807] 2003 Hawass, Z.
Unearthing Prehistory at Merimda Beni Salama. Early Dynastic graves at Abu Rawash
Secrets from the sand. My search for Egypt's past 29-31
[10804] 2003 Hassanein, O.; Iskander, N.
Shedding light on the functions of some unknown objects in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo
Egyptology at the dawn of the Twenty-first Century. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists. Cairo, 2000. Vol. 3. Language, Conservation, Museology 222-226
[10798] 2003 Hartung, U.; Abd el-Gelil, M.; von den Driesch, A.; Fares, G.; Hartmann, R.; Hikade, T.; Ihde, C.
Vorbericht über neue Untersuchungen in der prädynastischen Siedlung von Maadi
MDAIK 59 149-198
[10795] 2003 Hartung, U.
Maadi, fouille de sauvetage aux confins du Caire
Archéo-Nil 13 29-36
[10793] 2003 Hartung, U.
Predynastic subterranean dwellers in Maadi, Cairo
Egyptian Archaeology 22 7-9
[10751] 2003 Grimal, N.; Adly, E.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 2000-2002. Hélouân
Orientalia 72 52
[10750] 2003 Grimal, N.; Adly, E.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 2000-2002. Maadi
Orientalia 72 52
[10739] 2003 Grajetzki, W.
Egypt in context
Egyptian Archaeology 23 35-36