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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caireof Oriental Archaeology - Cairo

Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[4542] 1914 Maspero, G.
Le protocole royal des Thinites sur la Pierre de Palerme
RecTrav 36 152
[2773] 1914 Hall, H.R.
The pottery etc. of Umm El-Ga'ab
The cemeteries of Abydos. Part I. The mixed cemetery and Umm El-Ga'ab 37-39
[2581] 1914 Goodyear, W.H.
The Prehistoric Egyptian collection of the Brooklyn Museum
Brooklyn Museum Quarterly 1 51-74
[2391] 1914 Gauthier, H.
Quatre fragments nouveaux de la pierre de Palerme au musée du Caire
CRAIBL 58,5 489-496
[1073] 1914 Capart, J.
Les origines de la civilisation égyptienne. Conférence faite à la Société d'Anthropologie de Bruxelles, le 27 Avril 1914
BSAB 33 133-157
[553] 1914 Bénédite, G.
(Couteau de silex à manche en ivoire avec représentations de la vie préhistorique.)
CRAIBL 58,3 321-322
[117] 1914 Amélineau, E.
Chronologie des rois de l'époque archaïque. Etude sur les divers systèmes proposés. (suite)
RevEg 14 153-172
[17927] 1913 Pagenstecher, R.
Die ägyptischen Gefässe in Stein und Ton
Die griechisch-ägyptische Sammlung Ernst von Sieglin, Die Gefässe in Stein und Ton, Knochenschnitzereien 1-4
[12960] 1913 C.L.R.
Nubian objects acquired by the Egyptian department
BMMA.NY 8,9 200-208
[12924] 1913 Fechheimer, H.
Ägyptische Steinvasen im Berliner Museum
Kunst und Kunstler 11,12 628-634
[10269] 1913 Smith, G.E.
The evolution of the rock-cut tomb and the dolmen
Essays and studies presented to William Ridgeway on his sixtieth birthday 6 August 1913 492-546
[7050] 1913 Weill, R.
Catalogue des antiquités égyptiennes exposées au Musée des Arts Décoratifs et provenant de l'expédition de M. Raymond Weill (Campagne de 1913)
[6952] 1913 von Bissing, F.W.
Vom Wadi es Saaba' Rigale bei Gebel Silsile
SBAW 24 3-20
[6951] 1913 von Bissing, F.W.
Tongefässe, 1. Teil: Bis zum Beginn des Alten Reiches
Catalogue Général des Antiquités Egyptiennes du Musée du Caire
[6321] 1913 Smith, G.E.
On the physical characters of the human remains found by Mr. Quibell in mastabas of the II. and III. Dynasties at Sakkara
BAAS, Report of the 82nd Meeting, Dundee, 1912 612
[6320] 1913 Smith, G.E.
The earliest evidence of attempts at mummifaction in Egypt
BAAS, Report of the 82nd Meeting, Dundee, 1912 612-613
[6319] 1913 Smith, G.E.
Physical characters of the ancient Egyptians
BAAS, Report of the 82nd Meeting, Dundee, 1912 268-270
[5602] 1913 Quibell, J.E.
Excavations at Saqqara (1911-1912). The tomb of Hesy
[5393] 1913 Petrie, W.M.F.
An Early Dynastic cemetery in Egypt
BAAS, Report of the 82nd Meeting, Dundee, 1912 616-617
[5392] 1913 Petrie, W.M.F.
Tarkhan I
Tarkhan I and Memphis V. BSAE & ERA 23 1-31
[5391] 1913 Petrie, W.M.F.
The earliest perfect tombs
Man 13 153-154
[5390] 1913 Petrie, W.M.F.
Catalogue of Egyptian antiquities found by Prof. Flinders Petrie and students, at Tarkhan, Riqqeh and Memphis, 1913. Exhibited at University College, Gower St., London, W.C., June 30th. to July 26th
[5297] 1913 Peet, T.E.; Loat, W.L.S.; Whittemore, T.
Catalogue of exhibition of antiquities found by the officers of the Egypt Exploration Fuind at Abydos and Meir exhibited at the Society of Antiquaries. July 23rd to July 30th, 1913
[5296] 1913 Peet, T.E.; Loat, W.L.S.
The cemeteries of Abydos. Part III. 1912-1913
EEF 35
[5057] 1913 Netolitzky, F.
Ergänzungen zu "Nahrungs- und Heilmitteln der Urägypter"
Zeitschrift für Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmitteln, sowie Gebrachsgegenstände 26 425-427