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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[4471] 1975 Marks, A.E.
The current status of Upper Paleolithic studies from the Maghreb to the Northern Levant
Problems in Prehistory: North Africa and the Levant 439-457
[2923] 1975 Hays, T.R.
Neolithic settlement of the Sahara as it relates to the Nile Valley
Problems in Prehistory: North Africa and the Levant 193-201
[2922] 1975 Hays, T.R.
Neolithic settlement patterns in Saharan Africa
South African Archaeological Bulletin 30 29-33
[2651] 1975 Green, H.S.
Sudanese radiocarbon chronology: A provisional date list
Nyame Akuma 6 10-24
[1929] 1975 Eggebrecht, A.
Die Kunst im Nubischen Gebiet bis zur Zeit der 25. Dynastie
Das Alte Ägypten. Propyläen Kunstgeschichte 15 394-400, n° 398-399
[1462] 1975 Crew, H.L.
An evaluation of the relationship between the Mousterian complexes of the Eastern Mediterranean: A technological perspective
Problems in Prehistory: North Africa and the Levant 427-437
[1335] 1975 Clark, J.D.
A comparison of the Late Acheulian industries of Africa and the Middle East
After the Australopithecines. Stratigraphy, ecology and culture change in the Middle Pleistocene, vol. 1, World Anthropology International 605-659
[615] 1975 Billy, G.
Les grands courants du peuplement égypto-nubien, jusqu'a l'époque romaine
L'Anthropologie 79 629-657
[237] 1975 Arkell, A.J.
The prehistory of the Nile Valley
Handbuch der Orientalistik. Siebente Abteilung. Kunst und Archaeologie Erster band, zweiter Abschnitt A, Lieferung 17.
[7997] 1974 Gaballah, M.F.; el-Rakhawy, M.T.; el-Eishi, H.I.
Craniological study of Egyptians in various periods
Ain Shams Medical Journal 25,3 417-423
[6365] 1974 Smolla, G.
Frühe Stufen der Kunst 256-269
[6171] 1974 Seele, K.C.
The University of Chicago Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition: Excavations between Abu Simbel and the Sudan border. Preliminary report
JNES 33 1-43
[5893] 1974 Saffirio, L.
Le origine dell' agricoltura: l'ipotesi nilotica
Archivio per l'Anthropologia e la Etnologia 104 245-260
[3005] 1974 Henry, D.O.
The utilization of the microburin technique in the Levant
Paléorient 2,2 389-398
[2930] 1974 Hays, T.R.; Hassan, F.A.
Mineralogical analysis of "Sudanese Neolithic" ceramics
Libyca 22 157-167
[2929] 1974 Hays, T.R.; Hassan, F.A.
Mineralogical analysis of Sudanese Neolithic ceramics
Archaeometry 16 71-80
[2921] 1974 Hays, T.R.
'Wavy line' pottery: An element of Nilotic diffusion
South African Archaeological Bulletin 29 27-32
[2483] 1974 Geus, F.; Labré, Y.
La Nubie au sud de Dal: exploration archéologique et problèmes historiques
CRIPEL 2 103-123
[1183] 1974 Červíček, P.
Felsbilder der Nord-Ethbai, Oberägyptens und Unternubiens. Ergebnisse der 8. Deutschen innerafrikanischen Forschungs Expedition (DIAFE) nach Ägypten, 1926
Ergebnisse der Frobenius Expedition 16
[1115] 1974 Casini, M.
Manufatti litici egiziani a code di pesce
Origini 8 203-228
[6986] 1973 Vondracek, J.
Prehistoric surface sites on the Batn El Hagar, Sudanese Nubia
[6855] 1973 Verner, M.
Some Nubian petroglyphs in Czechoslovak concessions
Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philogia Monographia 45
[6721] 1973 van Gerven, D.P.; Carlson, D.S.; Armelagos, G.J.
Racial history and bio-cultural adaptation of Nubian archaeological populations
Journal of African History 14 555-564
[6716] 1973 Vandier, J.
Nouvelles acquisitions. Musée du Louvre: département des antiquités égyptiennes
Revue du Louvre 23 107-116
[6166] 1973 Sée, G.
Naissance de l'urbanisme dans la vallée du Nil