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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[6087] 1933 Schrumpf-Pierron, B.
Le mal de Pott en Egypte 4.000 ans avant notre ère
Aesculape 23 295-299
[2147] 1933 Field, H.
The antiquity of man in Southwestern Asia
American Anthropologist 35 51-62
[1714] 1933 Derry, D.E.
Incidence of dental disease in ancient Egypt
British Medical Journal 1933,1, n° 3759 112
[8030] 1932 Smith, G.E.
The incidence of dental diseases in ancient Egypt
British Medical Journal 2 760
[4503] 1932 Marro, G.
Contributo alla paletnologia egiziana (dai lavori della Missione Archeologia Italiana in Egitto)
Atti della Societa Italiana per il Progresso delle Scienze, Milano, 12-18 Settembre 1931 2 452-455
[3324] 1932 Jones, E.W.A.H.
Studies in Achondroplasia. II. A peculiar form of Achondroplasia in a Predynastic Egyptian
Journal of Anatomy 66 569-573
[1713] 1932 Derry, D.E.
Crania from Merimde 1931-1932
Vorbericht über die dritte, von der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien in Verbindung mit dem Egyptiska Museet in Stockholm unternommene Grabung auf der neolithischen Siedelung von Merimde-Benisalâme vom 6. November 1931 bis 20. Jänner 1932. Anzeiger der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse 60-61
[4784] 1931 Moodie, R.L.
Roentgenologic studies of Egyptian and Peruvian mummies
Field Museum of Natural History, Anthropology Memoirs vol. III 20-22
[4502] 1931 Marro, G.
Scavi italiani in Egitto e loro scopo antropologico
XIV Congres International d'Anthropologie & d'Archéologie Préhistorique, IVé ses. de l'Institut International d'Anthropologie, Portugal 1930 455-463
[8017] 1930 Pales, L.
La tuberculose préhistorique
Paléopathologie et pathologie comparative 226-247
[1712] 1930 Derry, D.E.
Preliminary note on human remains from a Neolithic settlement at Merimde-Benisalame
Vorläufiger Bericht über die zweite Grabung der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien auf der vorgeschichtlichen Siedlung Merimde-Benisalâme vom 7. Februar bis 8. April 1930. Anzeiger der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse 53-60
[6682] 1929 Valori, B.
Sull' origine etnica degli Antichi Egizi
Archivio per l'Anthropologia e la Etnologia 59 1-20
[6672] 1929 Utsurikawa, N.
The Sulcus Preauricularis as a criterion of sex in the Predynastic and Dynastic Egyptians
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 44,500 1-8
[5440] 1928 Petrie, W.M.F.
The Badarian skulls
The Badarian civilisation and Predynastic remains near Badari 68
[4793] 1928 Morant, G.M.
A preliminary classification of European races based on cranial measurements
Biometrika 20,B 301-375
[6498] 1927 Stoessiger, B.N.
A study of the Badarian crania recently excavated by the British School of Archaeology in Egypt
Biometrika 19 110-150
[4499] 1927 Marro, G.
Il corpo e la statua del defunto nel l'Egitto antico
Archivio Italiano di Psicologia 5 1-
[12950] 1926 Smith, S.
A contribution to the study of the modern Egyptian cranium
Journal of Anatomy 60 121-130
[6632] 1926 Trotter, M.
The movable segments of the vertebral column in old Egyptians
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 9 457-466
[592] 1926 Biasutti, R.
I contributi alla etnologia
L'opera degli Italiani per la conoscenza dell'Egitto e per il su risorgimento civile ed economica 93-98
[4792] 1925 Morant, G.M.
A study of Egyptian craniology from Prehistoric to Roman times. Together with a series of measurements on crania of the First Dynasty from royal tombs at Abydos by G.H. Motley
Biometrika 17 1-52
[2122] 1925 Farina, G.
Su alcune leggende intorno a le invasioni semitiche nell'Egitto predinastico
Rivista di Antropologia 24 1-18
[846] 1925 Brunton, G.
Early man in Egypt
Man 25 168
[591] 1925 Biasutti, R.
Egiziani ed Etiopici
Aegyptus 6 27-35
[8013] 1924 Manouvrier, L.P.
Documents craniométriques sur 16 crânes égyptiens préhistoriques ou archaïques provenant des fouilles de M. de Morgan
Actes du Congrès Association française pour l'avancement des sciences. 48ième congres, Liège, 1924 567-571