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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[8185] 1996 Krzyżaniak, L.
The Kadero project
SARS Newsl 10 14-17
[8152] 1996 Hassan, F.A.
Abrupt Holocene climatic events in Africa
Aspects of African archaeology. Papers from the 10th Congress of the PanAfrican Association for Prehistory and Related Studies 83-92
[8139] 1996 Haaland, R.
A socio-economic perspective on the transition from gathering to cultivation and domestication: A case study of sorghum in the Middle Nile Region
Aspects of African archaeology. Papers from the 10th Congress of the PanAfrican Association for Prehistory and Related Studies 391-400
[8117] 1996 Gabriel, B.
Klima- und Landschaftswandel im Nord-Sudan. Die Umwelt des Menschen in der Vor- und Frühgeschichte
Das Altertum 42 35-48
[8070] 1996 Chłodnicki, M.
The Neolithic of the Letti basin (Nubia)
XIII Int. Cong. of Prehist. and Protohist. Sciences. Forli, 8/14 September 1996. Abstracts 2 79-80
[8065] 1996 Caneva, I.; di Lernia, S.
Intrasite spatial analysis: A case study from Kabbashi Haitah (Sudan)
Aspects of African archaeology. Papers from the 10th Congress of the PanAfrican Association for Prehistory and Related Studies 235-244
[8064] 1996 Caneva, I.
Alternative models of urban development in the Nile Valley
XIII Int. Cong. of Prehist. and Protohist. Sciences. Forli, 8/14 September 1996. Abstracts 2 69-70
[8063] 1996 Caneva, I.
The influence of Saharan Prehistoric cultures on the Nile Valley
Colloquia of the XIII International Congress of Prehistorique and Protohistorique Sciences. 15. The Prehistory of Africa 231-239
[8060] 1996 Brooks, A.S.
Behavioral perspectives on the origin of modern humans: Another look at the African evidence
Colloquia of the XIII International Congress of Prehistorique and Protohistorique Sciences. 5. Lower and Middle Palaeolithic 157-166
[8059] 1996 Bonnet, C.
Habitat et palais dans l'ancienne Nubie
Haus und Palast im Alten Ägypten. Internationales Symposium 8. bis 11. April 1992 in Kairo 45-52
[11949] 1995 Khabir, A.M.
Mesolithic and Neolithic ceramics in the central Sudan, 8th-3rd Millennium B.C., with special reference to the physico-scientific approach
[9451] 1995 Muzzolini, A.
Faunes holocènes du Maroc et variations des aires de distribution de certaines espèces sauvages dans le nord de l'Afrique. L'expansion récente de l'Oryx dammah
Actes du 2ième Congrès International de Ceuta "El Estrecho de Gibraltar" (Novembre 1990) 215-244
[8888] 1995 Honegger, M.
Kerma: Note sur la reprise des fouilles de l'agglomération pré-Kerma
Genava 43 58-59
[8846] 1995 Gilbert, A.S.
The flora and fauna of the ancient Near East
Civilizations of the ancient Near East. Vol. I 153-174
[8774] 1995 Chaix, L.
Kerma: Sixième note sur la faune (campagnes 1989-1995)
Genava 43 53-57
[8757] 1995 Butzer, K.W.
Environmental change in the Near East and human impact on the Land
Civilizations of the ancient Near East. Vol. I 123-151
[8752] 1995 Bonnet, C.
Kerma: Rapport préliminaire sur les campagnes de 1993-1994 et de 1994-1995
Genava 43 33-52
[8666] 1995 Welsby, D.A.
Survey in the Northern Sudan 1993-1995
Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V 3 26-31
[8253] 1995 Piponnier, D.; Bechtel, F.; Schvoerer, M.; Reinold, J.
Concrétionnement ou application volontaire de minéraux sur des céramiques néolithiques de la vallée du Nil soudanais
Archéologie du Nil Moyen 7 191-201
[8251] 1995 Peters, J.
Mesolithic subsistence between the 5th and the 6th Nile Cataract: The archaeofaunas from Abu Darbein, El Damer and Aneibis (Sudan)
Aqualithic sites along the rivers Nile and Atbara, Sudan 178-244
[8221] 1995 Magid, A.A.; el-Nadi, A.H.
The areas of Aneibis, Abu Darbein and El Damer today
Aqualithic sites along the rivers Nile and Atbara, Sudan 30-46
[8220] 1995 Magid, A.A.
Plant remains from the sites of Aneibis, Abu Darbein and El Damer and their implications
Aqualithic sites along the rivers Nile and Atbara, Sudan 147-177
[8219] 1995 Magid, A.A.
The lithic material from the sites of Aneibis, Abu Darbein and El Damer
Aqualithic sites along the rivers Nile and Atbara, Sudan 52-83
[8143] 1995 Haaland, R.; Magid, A.A. (eds.)
Aqualithic sites along the rivers Nile and Atbara, Sudan
[8142] 1995 Haaland, R.; Magid, A.A.
Radiocarbon dates
Aqualithic sites along the rivers Nile and Atbara, Sudan 47-51