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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[50] 1992 Aksamit, J.
Petrie's type D 46 D and remarks on the production and decoration of Predynastic Decorated pottery
Cahiers de la Céramique Egyptienne 3 17-21
[10280] 1991 Zimmermann, J.-L.
Ancient art from the Barbier-Mueller Museum
15, 30-33
[7965] 1991 Wilkinson, R.H.
Ancient Near Eastern raised-arm figures and the iconography of the Egyptian god Min
BES 11 109-118
[7770] 1991 Noll, W.
Alte Keramiken und ihre Pigmente. Studien zu Material und Technologie 279-308
[6979] 1991 von der Way, T.
Zur Herkunft keramischer Dekorationen des spätvorgeschichtlichen Unterägypten
Cahiers de la Céramique Egyptienne 2 1-9
[6561] 1991 Tangri, D.
Neolithic basket-impressed pottery from Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. New evidence for regionalism in the Eastern Sahara
Sahara 4 141-143
[6541] 1991 Swain, S.A.M.
A bowl in the Nubian Museum, Aswan
JEA 77 165-167
[6438] 1991 Sotheby's New York
(Stone vessels, decorated jar, black-topped jar.)
Antiquities and Islamic art. December 12 and 13, 1991 n° 21-24
[5781] 1991 Robertson, R.
The Late Neolithic ceramics from Shaqadud cave
The Late Prehistory of the Eastern Sahel: The Mesolithic and Neolithic of Shaqadud, Sudan 123-172
[4754] 1991 Mohammed, A.A.
The Mesolithic and Neolithic ceramics from Shaqadud midden
The Late Prehistory of the Eastern Sahel: The Mesolithic and Neolithic of Shaqadud, Sudan 65-94
[2992] 1991 Hendrickx, S.; Gubel, E.; Bruwier, M.-C.
Période pré- et protodynastique
Van Nijl tot Schelde - Du Nil à l'Escaut 34-53
[2742] 1991 Haaland, R.
On the use of archaeological and linguistic evidence in socio-cultural evolution in Prehistoric Central Sudan
Understanding and history in arts and sciences 127-144
[2344] 1991 Galerie Nefer
Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic vessels
Nefer 10 n° 32
[2079] 1991 Esse, D.L.
Context and contacts
Subsistence, trade, and social change in Early Bronze Age Palestine. SAOC 50 63-125
[1554] 1991 Davies, W.V.
'Egypt and Africa' in the British Museum
Egypt and Africa. Nubia from Prehistory to Islam 314-318
[641] 1991 Boehmer, R.M.
Gebel-el-Arak und Gebel-el-Tarif-Griff: keine Fälschungen
MDAIK 47 51-60
[640] 1991 Boehmer, R.M.
14C-Daten aus Uruk und Abydos. Ägyptisches (?) im frühen Nordsyrien, Sumer und Elam
Baghdader Mitteilungen 22 223-230
[274] 1991 Arnst, C.B.; Kischkewitz, H.; Priese, K.-H.
Das vor- und frühstaatliche Ägypten
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung 1-16
[10565] 1990 Haldane, C.W.
Boat construction in ancient Egypt
The pharaoh's boat at The Carnegie 21-43
[7386] 1990 Ziegler, C.
Avant les pyramides
Le Louvre. Les antiquités égyptiennes 12-19
[6778] 1990 Vente Drouot-Richelieu
Archéologie. Ancienne collection D. et divers amateurs. Mercredi 13 Juin 1990 n° 121-122
[6724] 1990 Van Lepp, J.
The Predynastic origins of Hathor
ARCE Annual Meeting. Berkeley 1990. Program & abstracts 64-65
[6679] 1990 Valloggia, M.
Un jour nous construirons les pyramides. Mobilier funéraire predynastique et pharaonique 95-133
[6540] 1990 Suzuki, M.; Hori, A. (eds.)
[Egypt. The emergence and development of Dynastic civilization] [Japanese]
[6435] 1990 Sotheby's New York
(Predynastic pottery.)
The Breitbart collection of antiquities and ancient glass. Wednesday, June 20, 1990 n° 1-3