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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caireof Oriental Archaeology - Cairo

Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[11749] 2004 Gordon, A.H.; Schwabe, C.W.
The quick and the death. Biomedical theory in ancient Egypt
Egyptological Memoirs 4
[11741] 2004 Garcea, E.A.A.
An alternative way towards food production: The perspective from the Libyan Sahara
Journal of World Prehistory 18 107-154
[11666] 2004 Yokell, C.A.
Modeling socioeconomic evolution and continuity in ancient Egypt. The value and limitations of zooarchaeological analyses
BAR International series 1315
[11652] 2004 Wendorf, F.; Schild, R.
The Western Desert during the 5th and 4th Millennia BC. The Late and Final Neolithic in the Nabta-Kiseiba area
Archéo-Nil 14 13-30
[11624] 2004 Van Neer, W.; Lernau, O.; Friedman, R.F.; Mumford, G.; Poblome, J.; Waelkens, M.
Fish remains from archaeological sites as indicators of former trade connections in the Eastern Mediterranean
Paléorient 30,1 101-148
[11605] 2004 Svoboda, J.A.
The Middle Paleolithic of Southern Bahariya Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt
Anthropologie 42 227-241
[11591] 2004 Smith, J.R.; Giegengack, R.; Schwarz, R.P.; McDonald, M.M.A.; Kleindienst, M.R.; Hawkins, A.L.; Churcher, C.S.
A reconstruction of Quaternary pluvial environments and human occupations using stratigraphy and geochronology of fossil-spring tufas, Kharga Oasis, Egypt
Geoarchaeology 19 407-439
[11565] 2004 Riemer, H.
News about the Clayton rings: Long distance desert travellers during Egypt's Predynastic
Egypt at its origins. Studies in memory of Barbara Adams. Proceedings of the international conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Kraków, 28th August - 1st September 2002 971-989
[11498] 2004 Mathieu, B.
Travaux de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale en 2003-2004. La prospection de l'oasis de Kharga
BIFAO 104 621-623
[11478] 2004 Linstädter, J.; Kröpelin, S.
Wadi Bakht revisited: Holocene climate change and prehistoric occupation in the Gilf Kebir region of the Eastern Sahara, SW Egypt
Geoarchaeology 19 753-778
[11475] 2004 Le Quellec, J.-L.
The "Swimmers" of The English Patient
Rock art in Africa. Mythology and legend 39-40
[11471] 2004 Lange, M.
Nubier in der Wüste - Fundplätze des 5. und 4. Jahrtausends vor Chr. in der Laqiya-Region (NW-Sudan)
Archäologische Informationen 27,1 169-177
[11470] 2004 Lange, M.
Wadi Shaw 82/52: A Peridynastic settlement site in the Western Desert and its relations to the Nile Valley
Nubian studies 1998. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society of Nubian Studies. August 21-26, 1998. Boston, Massachusetts 315-324
[11466] 2004 Krzyżaniak, L.
Dakhleh Oasis. Research on petroglyphs
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 15 181-189
[11449] 2004 Kindermann, K.
Djara: Excavations and surveys of the 1998-2002 seasons
Archéo-Nil 14 31-50
[11447] 2004 Keding, B.
The Yellow Nile: Settlement shifts in the Wadi Howar region (Sudanese Eastern Sahara) and adjacent areas from between the Sixth to the First Millennium BC
Nubian studies 1998. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society of Nubian Studies. August 21-26, 1998. Boston, Massachusetts 95-108
[11433] 2004 Jesse, F.
The Wadi Howar
Sudan, ancient treasures. An exhibition of recent discoveries from the Sudan National Museum 53-60
[11431] 2004 Jesse, F.
No link between the Central Sahara and the Nile Valley ? (Dotted) Wavy Line ceramics in the Wadi Howar, Sudan
Nubian studies 1998. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society of Nubian Studies. August 21-26, 1998. Boston, Massachusetts 296-308
[11424] 2004 Irish, J.D.; Bobrowski, P.; Kobusiewicz, M.; Kabaciński, J.; Schild, R.
An artificial human tooth from the Neolithic cemetery at Gebel Ramlah, Egypt
Dental Anthropology 17 28-31
[11423] 2004 Ikram, S.; Rossi, C.
An Early Dynastic serekh from the Kharga Oasis
JEA 90 211-215
[11392] 2004 Höber-Kamal, G.
Vorzeitfunde in Farafra
Kemet 13,4 89
[11317] 2004 Fahmy, A.G.
Review insights on development of archaeobotanical and palaeo-ethnobotanical studies in Egypt
Egypt at its origins. Studies in memory of Barbara Adams. Proceedings of the international conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Kraków, 28th August - 1st September 2002 711-730
[11314] 2004 Embabi, N.S.
The geomorphology of Egypt. Landforms and evolution. Volume I. The Nile Valley and the Western Desert
Egyptian Geographical Society Special Publication
[11199] 2004 Barich, B.E.
Oasi di Farafra (Deserto Occidentale)
Cento anni in Egitto, percorsi dell'archeologia Italiana, nuove scoperte. Catalogo della mostra, Cairo 30 Maggio - 31 Agosto 2004
[11198] 2004 Barich, B.E.
Archaeological research in the Farafra Oasis (Egypt): Contribution to the study of the early cultivation in the Eastern Sahara
Combining the past and the present: Archaeological perspectives on society. BAR Int. ser. 1210 143-147