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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[12345] 2007 Watrin, L.
The relative chronology of the Naqada culture: A view from Buto, Ma'adi, Harageh and Gerzeh
The International Conference of Naqada and Qus region. Monastery of the Archangel Michael, Naqada, Egypt 22-28 January 2007. Preprints vol. I 1-30
[12300] 2006 Shiel, N.
Exploring the divine cow in ancient Egypt
SOMA 2004. Symposium on Mediterranean archaeology. BAR Int. ser. 1514 161-166
[11988] 2006 Aksamit, J.
A new list of vases with 'cult-signs'
Archaeology of early northeastern Africa. In memory of Lech Krzyżaniak 557-592
[11874] 2006 Stevenson, A.
Gerzeh, a cemetery shortly before history
[14783] 2005 Sekihiro, N.
[The early use of iron in ancient Egypt before the Assyrian invasion] [Japanese]
Kokogaku Kenkyu / Quarterly of Archaeological Studies 52,2, n° 206 74-91
[13870] 2005 Lacovara, P.
Vessel in the shape of an ointment horn
Excavating Egypt. Great discoveries from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology 129
[11601] 2005 Stevenson, A.
The cemetery of el-Gerzeh. Implications for our understanding of social development and the so-called 'Expansion of the Naqada culture'
L'Egypte pré- et protodynastique. Les origines de l'état. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State. Toulouse (France) - 5-8 sept. 2005. Livret des résumés. Abstracts of papers 82
[11377] 2004 Hendrickx, S.
Des images au service du pouvoir
Le Monde de la Bible 162 36-41
[10729] 2004 Gilbert, G.P.
Weapons, warriors and warfare in early Egypt
BAR International series 1208
[11643] 2003 Watrin, L.
Le centenaire du Musée égptien: honneur à l'Egypte des premiers temps
Bulletin du Groupe de Recherche Européen pour l'Archéologie au Levant 1 42-43
[10703] 2003 Flores, D.V.
Funerary sacrifice of animals in the Egyptian Predynastic period
BAR International series 1153
[10620] 2003 Brass, M.
Tracing the origins of the ancient Egyptian cattle cult
A Delta-man in Yebu. Occasional Volume of the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum 1 101-110
[10911] 2002 Mallory-Greenough, L.M.
The geographical, spatial, and temporal distribution of Predynastic and First Dynasty basalt vessels
JEA 88 67-94
[10455] 2002 Levy, T.E.; van den Brink, E.C.M.
Interaction models, Egypt and the Levantine periphery.
Egypt and the Levant. Interrelations from the 4th through the early 3rd Millennium B.C.E 3-38
[10407] 2002 Hendrickx, S.; van den Brink, E.C.M.
Inventory of Predynastic and Early Dynastic cemetery and settlement sites in the Egyptian Nile Valley.
Egypt and the Levant. Interrelations from the 4th through the early 3rd Millennium B.C.E 346-399
[10404] 2002 Hendrickx, S.; Bavay, L.
The relative chronological position of Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic tombs with objects imported from the Near East and the nature of interregional contacts
Egypt and the Levant. Interrelations from the 4th through the early 3rd Millennium B.C.E 58-80
[10399] 2002 Hendrickx, S.
Bovines in Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic iconography
Droughts, food and culture. Ecological change and food security in Africa's Later Prehistory 275-318
[10310] 2002 Campagno, M.
De los jefes-parientes a los reyes-dioses. Surgimiento y consolidación del Estado en el antiguo Egipto
Aula Aegyptiaca Studia 3
[10062] 2001 Hartung, U.
Umm el-Qaab II. Importkeramik aus dem Friedhof U in Abydos (Umm el-Qaab) und die Beziehungen Ägyptens zu Vorderasien im 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr
Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 92
[9863] 2001 Midant-Reynes, B.
[The Prehistory of Egypt. From the first Egyptians to the first pharaohs] [Arabic]
[9855] 2000 Mallory, L.M.
Predynastic and First Dynasty Egyptian basalt vessels
[9434] 2000 Midant-Reynes, B.
The Prehistory of Egypt. From the first Egyptians to the first pharaohs
[9311] 2000 Hendrickx, S.
Autruches et flamants - les oiseaux représentés sur la céramique prédynastique de la catégorie Decorated
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie 1 21-52
[9136] 2000 Bavay, L.; Hendrickx, S.
[Notices d'exposition]
Pierres égyptiennes ... Chefs-d'oeuvre pour l'éternité 118-120, 128-135, 139-145
[9755] 1999 Hassan, F.A.
The earliest goddesses of Egypt: Divine mothers and cosmic bodies
Ancient goddesses. The myths and the evidence 98-112