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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[15293] 2015 Huyge, D.
"Battered bulls" again: Destruction and first attempts at conservation of rock art in Egypt
The management of Egypt's cultural heritage, vol. 2 78-85
[15285] 2015 Holliday, T.W.
Population affinities of the Jebel Sahaba skeletal sample: Limb proportion evidence
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 25 466-476
[15252] 2015 Geisbusch, J.
Egypt Explorations Society excavations. Imbaba
Egyptian Archaeology 47 36
[15770] 2014 Rowland, J.M.; Tassie, G.J.
Prehistoric sites along the edge of the western Nile delta: Report on the results of the Imbaba prehistoric survey 2013-2014
JEA 100 49-65
[15321] 2014 Kelany, A.
Late Palaeolithic rock art sites at Wadi Abu Subeira and el-'Aqaba el-Saghira, Upper Egypt
Cahiers de l'AARS 17 105-115
[15083] 2014 Van Hecke, C.
Oerossen op de rotsen. De prehistorische kunst van Qurta
Ex situ. Tijdschrift voor Vlaamse archeologie 5 14-18
[15027] 2014 Pierre Bergé & associés
Biface foliacé. Palette à fard rhomboïdale. Lot composé de trois têtes de massues. Grande coupe. Grande coupe tronconique à lèvre rentrante
Archéologie. Mercredi 21 mai 2014. Drouot-Richelieu n° 7-11
[15018] 2014 Osypiński, P.
Prehistory of the Fourth Cataract
The Fourth Cataract and beyond. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference for Nubian Studies. British Museum Publications on Egypt and Sudan 1 9-18
[14976] 2014 Le Quellec, J.-L.
Prehistory in north Africa after the Middle Palaeolithic
The Cambridge World Prehistory. Vol. 1. Africa, South and southeast Asia and the Pacific 151-164
[14971] 2014 Kutsenkov, P.; Chegodaev, M.
[Predynastic Egypt: Visual thinking and art in the transition period] [Russian]
Iskusstvoznanie 1-2 10-49
[14923] 2014 Honegger, M.
Recent advances in our understanding of Prehistory in northern Sudan
The Fourth Cataract and beyond. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference for Nubian Studies. British Museum Publications on Egypt and Sudan 1 19-30
[16573] 2013 Antoine, D.M.; Zazzo, A.; Friedman, R.
Revisiting Jebel Sahaba: New apatite radiocarbon dates for one of the Nile valley's earliest cemeteries
Program of the 82nd annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, April 9-13, 2013. Knoxville, Tennessee. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 150,S56 68
[15654] 2013 Huyge, D.; Claes, W.
Art rupestre gravé paléolithique de Haute Egypte: El-Hosh et Qurta
Bulletin de l'Association Scientifique Liégoise pour la Recherche Archéologique 28 21-39
[15621] 2013 Graff, G.; Kelany, A.
Paysages gravées: La longue continuité du Wadi Abu Subeira (région d'Assouan, Egypte)
Art as a source of history. Valcamonica Symposium 2013 315-324
[15043] 2013 Rohling, E.J.; Grant, K.M.; Roberts, A.P.; Larrasoana, J.-C.
Paleoclimate variability in the Mediterranean and Red Sea regions during the last 500,000 years. Implications for hominin migrations
Current Anthropology 54, suppl. 8 S183-201
[15019] 2013 Otte, M.
Plastic art codes at Qurta (Upper Egypt) and trans-Mediterranean analogies
International Newsletter on Rock Art 67 22-29
[14893] 2013 Grimal, N.; Adly, E.; Arnaudiès, A.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 2010-2011. Qourta
Orientalia 82 120-122
[14746] 2013 van den Bercken, B.
Prehistoric Egypt. 1,600,000-4,000 BC
Eternal Egypt 16-27
[14567] 2013 Kindermann, K.; Bubenzer, O.; Van Peer, P.
Geo-archaeological research on the Late Pleistocene of the Egyptian Eastern Desert: Recent threats to the Sodmein Cave
Antiquity 87, 337 project gallery
[14564] 2013 Kelany, A.
The archaeological excavation and survey at the unfinished obelisk and at Wadi Subayra
The first cataract of the Nile. One region - diverse perspectives. SDAIK 36 97-102
[14544] 2013 Huyge, D.; Claes, W.
'IJstijdkunst' in Qurta
Ta-Mery 6 116-127
[14543] 2013 Huyge, D.
10.000 ans avant "l'art du contour"
Regards sur le dessin égyptien 13-23
[14542] 2013 Huyge, D.
'Ice age' art at Qurta
Ancient Egypt 13,5 32-41
[14405] 2013 Banks, K.M.; Snortland, S.
At the core of it: A Late Palaeolithic workshop, Wadi Kubbaniya, Upper Egypt
Antiquity 87, 335 project gallery
[14946] 2012 Kelany, A.
More Late Palaeolithic rock art at Wadi Abu Subeira, Upper Egypt
BMRAH 83 5-21