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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[13242] 2008 Tristant, Y.
Un cimetière d'élite de la première dynastie à Abou Rawach
Egypte Afrique & Orient 50 3-12
[13228] 2008 Serpico, M.
Unseen images. Archive photographs in the Petrie Museum. Vol. 1: Gurob, Sedment and Tarkhan 99-180
[13227] 2008 Serpico, M.
Unseen images. Archive photographs in the Petrie Museum. Vol. 1: Gurob, Sedment and Tarkhan 17-98
[13209] 2008 Ryholt, K.
King Seneferka in the king-lists and his position in the Early Dynastic period
Journal of Egyptian History 1,1 159-173
[13187] 2008 Piquette, K.E.
Re-materialising script and image
Current research in Egyptoloy 2008. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium held at Manchester University, January 2008 89-107
[13159] 2008 Mathieson, I.J.
Auf der Suche nach Imhotep
Sokar 16 18-21
[13146] 2008 Linseele, V.
New faunal data from the Neolithic in Egypt
Nyame Akuma 70 78
[13139] 2008 La Loggia, A.S.
The use of stone in Early Dynastic Egyptian construction
BACE 19 73-93
[13075] 2008 Grimal, N.; Adly, E.; Arnaudiès, A.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 2006-2008. Abou Roach
Orientalia 77 203-204
[13070] 2008 Grajetzki, W.
Unseen images. Archive photographs in the Petrie Museum. Vol. 1: Gurob, Sedment and Tarkhan 185-237
[12893] 2008 Wendrich, W.
Academic rescue archaeology
Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists. Abstracts of papers 275-276
[12887] 2008 Watrin, L.
Human sacrifices in Early Dynastic Egypt: An archaeological mirage ?
Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists. Abstracts of papers 273-274
[12870] 2008 Vaudou, E.
Les sépultures subsidiaires des grandes tombes de la Ire dynastie égyptienne
Archéo-Nil 18 148-165
[12862] 2008 Tristant, Y.; Smythe, J.
New excavation of an old cemetery: Preliminary results of the Abu Rawash project
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 173-175
[12859] 2008 Tristant, Y.
Deux grands tombeaux du cimetière M d'Abou Rawach (Ire dynastie)
Archéo-Nil 18 131-147
[12854] 2008 Torcia, M.
Clay sealings from Giza: The group with the figurative seal impressions
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 169-170
[12836] 2008 Stevenson, A.
Ethnicity and migration ? The cemetery of el-Gerzeh
Egypt at its origins 2. Proceedings of the International Conference "Origin of the state, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Toulouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005 545-562
[12835] 2008 Stevenson, A.
Understanding ritual activity in Gerzean cemeteries: Global trends and local narratives
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 161-162
[12830] 2008 Spencer, P.
Digging diary 2007
Egyptian Archaeology 32 25-28
[12824] 2008 Solà-Salagés, I.C.
Four "daughters of the king" from the 2nd dynasty. Epigraphic and iconographic analysis of the stelae of Hepetkhenmet, Satba, Shepsetipet and Sehefner
Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists. Abstracts of papers 51
[12823] 2008 Smythe, J.C
New results from a second storage tomb at Helwan. Implications for the Naqada III period in the Memphite region
Egypt at its origins 2. Proceedings of the International Conference "Origin of the state, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Toulouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005 151-185
[12816] 2008 Sievertsen, U.
Niched architecture in early Mesopotamia and early Egypt
Egypt at its origins 2. Proceedings of the International Conference "Origin of the state, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Toulouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005 783-805
[12815] 2008 Shirai, N.; Wendrich, W.; Cappers, R.
An archaeological survey in the northeastern part of the Fayum
Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists. Abstracts of papers 224-225
[12789] 2008 Regulski, I.
Scribes in Early Dynastic Egypt
Zeichen aus dem Sand. Streiflichter aus Ägyptens Geschichte zu Ehren von Günter Dreyer. Menes 5 581-611
[12786] 2008 Regulski, I.
Investigating an unknown necropolis from the Second Dynasty at Saqqara-south
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 156-157