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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[16487] 2018 Piquette, K.E.
Investigating the manufacture of late 4th millennium decorated palettes
CIPEG e-News 10
[16486] 2018 Piquette, K.E.
An archaeology of art and writing. Early Egyptian labels in context
[16482] 2018 Pätznick, J.-P.
hw.t hnt(j) skr wr: La Demeure de - Celui qui préside à l'offrande / au sacrifice du vénérable -. L'enceinte funéraire de la vallée à Abydos ou l'interporalité de l'espace sacré dans le rituel funéraire royal thinite
Time and space at issue in ancient Egypt. Lingua Aegyptia Studia Monographica 19 133-149
[16479] 2018 Panaite, E.
Attributs identitaires, marqueurs du pouvoir. Quelques aspects iconographiques du protodynastique
Egypte, Afrique & Orient 89 23-30
[16478] 2018 Odler, M.; Uhlir, K.; Jentsch, M.; Griesser, M.; Hölzl, R.; Engelhardt, I.
Between centre and periphery: Early Egyptian and Nubian copper alloy artefacts in the collection of the Kunsthistorische Museum Vienna (KHM)
Ägypten und Levante 28 419-456
[16476] 2018 Nilsson, M.; Ward, J.
Stylistic diversity and spatial distribution. Recent rock art documentation at Gebel el-Silsila (Upper Egypt)
Standing on the shoulders of giants / Sulle spalle dei giganti. 20th international rock art congress IFRAO 2018. Valcamonica - Darfo Boario Terme (BS) Italy. Book of abstracts 153
[16466] 2018 Moeller, N.; Marouard, G.
The development of two early urban centres in Upper Egypt during the 3rd millennium BC. The examples of Edfu and Dendara
From microcosm to macrocosm. Individual households and cities in ancient Egypt and Nubia 29-58
[16462] 2018 Meyrat, P.
Magnifiques d'apparence, étonnants d'habilité. Amélineau et les vases en pierre de Khâsekhemoui
Bulletin de la Société Dunoise 308 5-9
[16459] 2018 McNamara, L.
Ashmolean object in focus: The 'Two-Dog' palette
Nekhen News 30 33-34
[16455] 2018 Marouard, G.; Moeller, N.
Dendara settlement site
The Oriental Institute 2016-2017 Annual Report 33-47
[16436] 2018 Kuronuma, T.
Goods placement in Predynastic burials: A case study from the cemeteries in the Naqada region
Desert and the Nile. Prehistory of the Nile basin and the Sahara. Papers in honour of Fred Wendorf. Studies in African Archaeology 15 339-364
[16433] 2018 Kuhn, R.
Neueingericht. Die Vitrinen zur formative Phase und dem Alten Reich im Neuen Museum Berlin
Amun 20,2 52-55
[16423] 2018 Kopp, P.
Elephantine XXIV. Funde und Befunde aus der Umgebung des Satettempels
ÄV 104
[16419] 2018 Köhler, E.C.
Vor den Pyramiden. Die ägyptische Vor- und Frühzeit
[16415] 2018 Kmošek, J.; Odler, M.; Fikrle, M.; Kochergina, Y.V.
Invisible connections. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Egyptian metalwork in the Egyptian Museum of Leipzig University
JAS 96 191-207
[16408] 2018 Karmowski, J.
A closer look at the scale of lower Egyptian architecture from Tell el-Farkha
Eastern Nile delta in the 4th millennium BC 71-80
[16404] 2018 Jones, J.; Higham, T.F.G.; Chivall, D.; Bianucci, R.; Kay, G.L.; Pallen, M.J.; Oldfield, R
A Prehistoric Egyptian mummy: Evidence for an 'elbalming recipe' and the evolution of early formative funerary treatments
JAS 100 191-200
[16403] 2018 Jones, C.
Tomb, temple or residence ? On the functional interpretation of the sign 'zoomorphic structure' (Gardiner sign O19) on Pre- and Early Dynastic objects
Funktion/en: Materielle Kultur - Sprache - Religion: Beiträge des siebten Berliner Arbeitskreises Junge Aegyptologie (BAJA 7) 2.12.-4.12.2016. GÖF IV. Reihe Ägypten 64 66-99
[16400] 2018 Jaouen, K.; Touzeau, A.
Alimentation et mobilité dans la vallée du Nil, de la Préhistoire au Moyen Age: Perspectives isotopiques
Archéo-Nil 28 43-57
[16395] 2018 Hood, A.
A brief look at First and Second Dynasty ceramics and their chronological implications
Elephantine XXIV. Fund und Befunde aus der Umgebung des Satettempels. ÄV 104 153-173
[16392] 2018 Holmes, D.L.
Recollecting the Predynastic of Nagada project
A river runs through it. Studies in honour of professor Fekri A. Hassan on the occasion of his 75th birthday. GHP Egyptology 29 70-93
[16389] 2018 Hendrickx, S.; Eyckerman, M.
Decorated palettes of a different type: Rhomboids from Hierakonpolis and beyond
Nekhen News 30 35-36
[16387] 2018 Hendrickx, S.; Claes, W.
Hommage à Dirk Huyge (1957-2018)
Archéo-Nil 28 11-16
[16386] 2018 Hendrickx, S.
Predynastic rock art in its environmental context (Egypt)
Standing on the shoulders of giants / Sulle spalle dei giganti. 20th international rock art congress IFRAO 2018. Valcamonica - Darfo Boario Terme (BS) Italy. Book of abstracts 146
[16383] 2018 Hartung, U.
Cemetery U at Umm el-Qaab and the funeral landscape of the Abydos region in the 4th millennium BC
Desert and the Nile. Prehistory of the Nile basin and the Sahara. Papers in honour of Fred Wendorf. Studies in African Archaeology 15 313-338