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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[14247] 2009 Kröpelin, S.
Holozäne Umweltrekonstruktion und Kulturgeschichte der Sahara. Perpspektive der sudanesische Wüste
Wüsten - natürlicher und kultureller Wandel im Raum und Zeit. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 108, nr. 373 165-191
[14212] 2009 Herbich, T.
Geophysical surveying in Egypt: Periodic report for 2007-2008
ArchéoSciences 33 suppl. 73-76
[13958] 2009 Sadig, A.M.
Water, culture and identity: Comparing past and present traditions in the Nile basin region
Neolithic adaptations and subsistence economy in the Middle Nile region, Sudan 237-272
[13664] 2009 Zboray, A.
Rock art at Gebel Uweinat
New perspectives on the Western Desert of Egypt. 6th international conference Dakhleh Oasis Project. Università del Salento, September 20th-24th-2009. Abstracts 47-48
[13663] 2009 Wuttmann, M.
La prospection de l'oasis de Kharga
New perspectives on the Western Desert of Egypt. 6th international conference Dakhleh Oasis Project. Università del Salento, September 20th-24th-2009. Abstracts 45-46
[13661] 2009 Wiseman, M.F.
The Khargan industry revisited
New perspectives on the Western Desert of Egypt. 6th international conference Dakhleh Oasis Project. Università del Salento, September 20th-24th-2009. Abstracts 45
[13638] 2009 Török, L.
The beginnings: A-Group Nubia and the emerging Egyptian state (c. 3700-2800 BC)
Between two worlds: The frontier region between ancient Nubia and Egypt, 3700 BC - 500 AD. PdÄ 29 23-51
[13631] 2009 Thanheiser, U.
Times of change: Subsistence strategies in the Early and Middle Holocene in Dakhleh Oasis
New perspectives on the Western Desert of Egypt. 6th international conference Dakhleh Oasis Project. Università del Salento, September 20th-24th-2009. Abstracts 42
[13605] 2009 Schillaci, M.A.; Irish, J.D.; Wood, C.C.E.
Further analysis of the population history of ancient Egyptians
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 139 235-243
[13590] 2009 Riemer, H.; Kindermann, K.; Atallah, M.
Die "Schminkpaletten" des 6. Jahrtausends v. Chr. aus der ägyptischen Westwüste. Ein Beitrag zu den Kulturbeziehungen zwischen Wüste und Niltal in prähistorischer Zeit
MDAIK 65 355-371
[13588] 2009 Riemer, H.
Prehistoric trap hunting in the eastern Saharan deserts: A re-evaluation of the game trap structures
Desert animals in the eastern Sahara: Status, economic significance, and cultural reflection in antiquity. Proceedings of an interdisciplinary ACACIA workshop held at the University of Cologne, December 14-15, 2007. Colloquium Africanum 4 175-188
[13587] 2009 Riemer, H.
Risks and resources in an arid landscape: An archaeological case study from the Great Sand Sea, Egypt
African landscapes. Interdisciplinary approaches 119-157
[13571] 2009 Pöllath, N.
The prehistoric gamebag: The archaeozoological record from sites in the Western Desert of Egypt
Desert animals in the eastern Sahara: Status, economic significance, and cultural reflection in antiquity. Proceedings of an interdisciplinary ACACIA workshop held at the University of Cologne, December 14-15, 2007. Colloquium Africanum 4 79-108
[13560] 2009 Peroschi, M.E.
Wadi Abd el-Malik: Highlights from our explorations
New perspectives on the Western Desert of Egypt. 6th international conference Dakhleh Oasis Project. Università del Salento, September 20th-24th-2009. Abstracts 36-37
[13544] 2009 Mutri, G.
Stratigraphic evidences for MSA finds at Sheik el Obeiyd, northern Farafra depression, Egypt
New perspectives on the Western Desert of Egypt. 6th international conference Dakhleh Oasis Project. Università del Salento, September 20th-24th-2009. Abstracts 33-34
[13541] 2009 Morris, E.F.
Activities at Amheida from Prehistory until the First Intermediate Period
New perspectives on the Western Desert of Egypt. 6th international conference Dakhleh Oasis Project. Università del Salento, September 20th-24th-2009. Abstracts 33
[13536] 2009 Midant-Reynes, B.; Briois, F.
Un site pré-badarien dans l'oasis de Kharga (Egypte): KS043
De Méditerranée et d'ailleurs ... Mélanges offerts à Jean Guilaine 533-546
[13531] 2009 McDonald, M.M.A.
Dakhleh and Kharga oases in late Prehistory
New perspectives on the Western Desert of Egypt. 6th international conference Dakhleh Oasis Project. Università del Salento, September 20th-24th-2009. Abstracts 31
[13526] 2009 Manlius, N.
Historical ecology and biogeography. An example. The Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia) in Egypt
Desert animals in the eastern Sahara: Status, economic significance, and cultural reflection in antiquity. Proceedings of an interdisciplinary ACACIA workshop held at the University of Cologne, December 14-15, 2007. Colloquium Africanum 4 111-128
[13523] 2009 Lucarini, G.
Early craftsmen of the desert. Clues of Predynastic lithic technology in the Late Neolithic of Farafra
New perspectives on the Western Desert of Egypt. 6th international conference Dakhleh Oasis Project. Università del Salento, September 20th-24th-2009. Abstracts 27-28
[13517] 2009 Lenssen-Erz, T.; Linstädter, J.
Resources, use potential and basic needs: A methodological framework for landscape archaeology
African landscapes. Interdisciplinary approaches 159-197
[13509] 2009 Kuper, R.; Riemer, H.
The Gilf Kebir National Park - challenge and change for archaeology
New perspectives on the Western Desert of Egypt. 6th international conference Dakhleh Oasis Project. Università del Salento, September 20th-24th-2009. Abstracts 22-24
[13496] 2009 Kobusiewicz, M.; Kabaciński, R.; Schild, R.; Irish, J.D.; Wendorf, F.
Burial practices of the Final Neolithic pastoralists at Gebel Ramlah,Western Desert of Egypt
BMSAES 13 147-174
[13491] 2009 Kleindienst, M.R.; Smith, J.R.; Adelsberger, K.A.
The Kharga Oasis Prehistory Project (KOPP), 2008 field season: Part 1. Geoarchaeology and Pleistocene prehistory
Nyame Akuma 71 18-30
[13490] 2009 Kleindienst, M.R.
Results of survey for Pleistocene cultural evidence from Dakhleh Oasis, 1978-79 to 2008-09 field seasons: Summary of evidence and new geoarchaeological interpretations
New perspectives on the Western Desert of Egypt. 6th international conference Dakhleh Oasis Project. Università del Salento, September 20th-24th-2009. Abstracts 20