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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caireof Oriental Archaeology - Cairo

Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[13064] 2007 Glück, B.
Die 'nubische' N-Ware - eine nubische Ware ?
MDAIK 63 9-41
[12140] 2006 Hendrickx, S.
The dog, the Lycaon pictus and order over chaos in Predynastic Egypt
Archaeology of early northeastern Africa. In memory of Lech Krzyżaniak 723-749
[11417] 2004 Huyge, D.
A double-powerful device for regeneration: The Abu Zaidan knife handle reconsidered
Egypt at its origins. Studies in memory of Barbara Adams. Proceedings of the international conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Kraków, 28th August - 1st September 2002 823-836
[10589] 2004 Anselin, A.
Histoire de pluriels. Essai d'archéologie du nombre en égyptien ancien
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie 6 145-181
[13347] 2003 de Gregorio Torrado, E.
Decoraciones pintadas en las cerámicas predinásticas del período de Nagada II: Análisis de los diseños
Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología 13 11-54
[11523] 2003 Morenz, L.D.
Schamanismus in der Frühzeit Ägyptens ?
Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 5 212-226
[10704] 2003 Forbes, D.C.
Egypt reborn. Art for eternity. The Brooklyn Museum of Art extends & reinstalls its Egyptian galleries
KMT 14,2 16-27
[10469] 2002 Menu, B.
A propos du commerce de l'ivoire dans l'Egypte du IVe millénaire
Méditerranées 30-31 35-47
[10437] 2002 Kansa, E.; Hendrickx, S.; Levy, T.E.; van den Brink, E.C.M.
Nahal Tillah reed decorated pottery: Aspects of Early Bronze Age IB ceramic production and Egyptian counterparts
In quest of ancient settlements and landscapes. Archaeological studies in honour of Ram Gophna 193-218
[10404] 2002 Hendrickx, S.; Bavay, L.
The relative chronological position of Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic tombs with objects imported from the Near East and the nature of interregional contacts
Egypt and the Levant. Interrelations from the 4th through the early 3rd Millennium B.C.E 58-80
[10399] 2002 Hendrickx, S.
Bovines in Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic iconography
Droughts, food and culture. Ecological change and food security in Africa's Later Prehistory 275-318
[10062] 2001 Hartung, U.
Umm el-Qaab II. Importkeramik aus dem Friedhof U in Abydos (Umm el-Qaab) und die Beziehungen Ägyptens zu Vorderasien im 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr
Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 92
[10175] 2000 Pérez Largacha, A.
La legitimación del poder a través del arte Predinástico
Arte y sociedad del Egipto antiguo 139-155
[9417] 1999 Baqué Manzano, L.
La percepción del mundo natural durante el período predinástico egipcio: las representaciones de paisajes en los elementos de ajuar (vegetales y animales en el proceso formativo de una conciencia humana del entorno)
Encyclopedie religieuse de l'univers végétal. Croyances phytoreligieuses de l'Egypte ancienne 37-68
[9244] 1999 Effland, A.
Zur Grabungsgeschichte der archäologischen Stätten zwischen Hager Edfu und Nag' el-Hisaja al-Gharbi
Edfu: Bericht über drei Surveys; Materialien und Studien 21-39
[9197] 1999 Ciałowicz, K.M.
[The beginning of Egyptian civilization] [Polish]
[9007] 1998 Osborn, D.J.; Osbornová, J.
The mammals of ancient Egypt
[8358] 1997 Bavay, L.
Matière première et commerce à longue distance: le lapis-lazuli et l'Egypte prédynastique
Archéo-Nil 7 79-100
[8346] 1997 Austin, D.
Les nombres en Egypte: approche historique
La mémoire des nombres. Cherbourg, Université de Caen, 27-28 mai 1994 1-22
[8278] 1996 Spanel, D.
Female figurine. Knife
The American discovery of ancient Egypt 107, 111
[8240] 1996 Mosjov, B.
Bowl. Palette with stylized birds. Fish palette. Jar with two tubular string-hole handles. Male figure. Jar with two wavy handles
The American discovery of ancient Egypt 103-106, 108, 110
[8046] 1996 Anselin, A.
La cruche et le tilapia. Une lecture africaine de l'Egypte nagadéenne
[7496] 1993 Cervelló Autuori, J.
Azaiwo, Afyewo, Asoiwo. Reflexiones sobre la realeza divina africana y los orígenes de la monarquia faraonica
Aula Orientalis 11,1 5-72
[6547] 1992 Sweydan, N.
Buffles et taureaux au prédynastique
Sesto congresso internazionale di egittologia. Atti. Vol. I 585-594
[6262] 1992 Sievertsen, U.
Das Messer vom Gebel el-Arak
Baghdader Mitteilungen 23 1-75