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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[7444] 1995 Atzler, M.
Some remarks on interrelating environmental changes and ecological, socio-economic problems in the development of the early Egyptian inundation culture
Archéo-Nil 5 7-65
[7932] 1994 Van Neer, W.
La pêche dans le Nil égyptien durant la préhistoire
Archéo-Nil 4 17-25
[7785] 1994 Phillips, J.L.
The Upper Paleolithic chronology of the Levant and the Nile Valley
Late Quaternary chronology and paleoclimates of the Eastern Mediterranean 169-176
[7513] 1994 Clark, J.D.
Africa from the appearance of Homo sapiens sapiens to the beginning of food production
History of humanity. Vol. I. Prehistory and the beginnings of civilization 191-206
[6819] 1992 Vermeersch, P.M.
The Upper and Late Palaeolithic of Northern and Eastern Africa
New light on the Northeast African past 99-153
[4689] 1992 Midant-Reynes, B.
Préhistoire de l'Egypte. Des premiers hommes aux premiers pharaons
[790] 1992 Brewer, D.J.
Incremental growth structures in Nile fish and molluscs from archaeological sites as indicators of Holocene environmental change in Egypt
The Holocene 2,1 30-36
[3110] 1991 Hoffman, M.A.
Egypt before the pharaohs. The Prehistoric foundations of Egyptian civilization
Rev. ed.
[5334] 1990 Peters, J.
Late Palaeolithic ungulate fauna and landscape in the plain of Kom Ombo
Sahara 3 45-52
[6734] 1989 Van Neer, W.
Fishing along the Prehistoric Nile
Late Prehistory of the Nile basin and the Sahara 49-56
[6492] 1989 Stewart, K.M.
Fishing sites of North and East Africa in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Environmental change and human adaptation
Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology 34, BAR 521
[521] 1989 Behrmann, A.
Das Nilpferd in der Vorstellungswelt der Alten Ägypter. Teil I, Katalog
Europaïsche Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXXVIII. Archäologie. Bd. 22
[2862] 1988 Hassan, F.A.
Prolegomena to a grammatical theory of lithic artifacts
World Archaeology 19 281-296
[1372] 1988 Close, A.E.
Current research and recent radiocarbon dates from Northern Africa. Part III
Journal of African History 29 145-176
[759] 1984 Braunstein-Silvestre, F.
Quand le cheval arrive-t-il en Egypte ?
Origin and early development of food-producing cultures in North-Eastern Africa 271-276
[6606] 1982 Tomsky, J.
Das Altpaläolithikum im Vorderen Orient
TAVO, Beiheft, Reihe B (Geisteswissenschaften) 18
[6357] 1982 Smith, P.E.L.
The Late Palaeolithic and Epi-Palaeolithic of Northern Africa
Cambridge history of Africa. Vol. I. From the earliest times to c. 500 BC 342-409
[1357] 1982 Cleyet-Merle, J.-J.; Vallet, F.
Archéologie comparée. Catalogue sommaire des collections du musée de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 1 68-165
[6663] 1980 UNESCO
Nubie. Les expéditions archéologiques: 20 ans de fouilles
Courrier de l'Unesco 33,2 30-45
[3081] 1980 Hoffman, M.A.
Egypt before the pharaohs. The Prehistoric foundations of Egyptian civilization
[3281] 1978 Issawi, B; Hassan, N.Y.; Osman, R.
Geological studies in the area of Kom Ombo, Eastern Desert, Egypt
AGSE 8 187-235
[3192] 1978 Howell, F.C.
Evolution of African mammals 154-248
[2842] 1978 Hassan, F.A.
The Sebilian of the Nile Valey: Some new concepts
Views of the past. Essays in Old World Prehistory and paleoanthropology 153-176
[2440] 1978 Gentry, A.
Evolution of African mammals 539-572
[1307] 1978 Churcher, C.S.; Richardson, M.L.
Evolution of African mammals 379-422