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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[14971] 2014 Kutsenkov, P.; Chegodaev, M.
[Predynastic Egypt: Visual thinking and art in the transition period] [Russian]
Iskusstvoznanie 1-2 10-49
[14959] 2014 Köhler, E.C.
Of pots and myths - attempting a comparative study of funerary pottery assemblages in the Egyptian Nile valley during the late 4th millennium BC
The Nile delta as a centre of cultural interactions between Upper Egypt and the southern Levant in the 4th millennium BC. Studies in African Archaeology 13 155-180
[14853] 2014 Dębowska-Ludwin, J.
The picture of Naqadan-Lower Egyptian transition reconstructed on the basis of sepulchral data
The Nile delta as a centre of cultural interactions between Upper Egypt and the southern Levant in the 4th millennium BC. Studies in African Archaeology 13 105-117
[14847] 2014 Czarnowicz, M.
Erani C pottery in Egypt
The Nile delta as a centre of cultural interactions between Upper Egypt and the southern Levant in the 4th millennium BC. Studies in African Archaeology 13 95-104
[14965] 2013 Kuhn, R.
Prunk-Schminkpaletten aus der formativen Phase Altägyptens. Überlegungen zur Einteilung und Deutung einer Fundkategorie
Das Altertum 58 115-150
[14717] 2013 Stevenson, A.
Predynastic burial rituals: Citations and transformations
Approaching ancient Egypt. Ancient histories and modern archaeologies 9-49
[14716] 2013 Stevenson, A.
Egypt and Sudan: Mesolithic to Early Dynastic period
World archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum. A characterization 60-89
[14672] 2013 Rehren, T.; Belgya, T.; Jambon, A.; Kali, G.; Kasztovszky, Z.; Kis, Z.; Kovacs, I.; Maroti, B.; Martinon-Torres, M.; Miniaci, G.; Pigott, V.C.; Radivojevic, M.; Rosta, L.; Szenmiklosi, L.; Szökefalvi-Nagy, Z.
5,000 years old Egyptian iron beads made from hammered meteoritic iron
JAS 40,12 4785-4792
[14552] 2013 Johnson, D.; Tyldesley, J.; Lowe, T.; Withers, P.J.; Grady, M.M.
Analysis of a prehistoric Egyptian iron bead with implications for the use and perception of meteorite iron in ancient Egypt
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 48,6 997-1006
[14744] 2012 Uildriks, M.
De schepen van Naqada
Ta-Mery 5 2-23
[14355] 2012 Tamorri, V.
Manipulated corpses in Predynastic Egyptian tombs: Deviant or normative practices ?
Current research in Egyptology 2011. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Symposium which took place at Durham University, United Kingdom March 2011 200-209
[15513] 2011 Morenz, L.D.
Himmel - Sterne - Kuhkopf. Die vor-ägyptischen Geschichte einer Göttin
Scribe of justice. Egyptological studies in honour of Shafik Allam. CASAE 42 293-311
[13981] 2011 Stevenson, A.
Material culture of the Predynastic period
Before the pyramids. The origins of Egyptian civilization. OIMP 33 65-74
[13930] 2011 Patenaude, J.; Shaw, G.J.
A catalogue of Egyptian cosmetic palettes in the Manchester University Museum collection
[13799] 2011 Hendrickx, S.; Friedman, R.F.; Eyckerman, M.
Early falcons
Vorspann oder formative Phase ? Ägypten und der Vordere Orient 3500-2700 v. Chr. Philippika 48 129-162
[13682] 2011 Bagh, T.
Finds from W.M.F. Petrie's excavations in Egypt in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
Meddelelser fra Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 13
[13439] 2010 Hendrickx, S.; Förster, F.
Early Dynastic art and iconography
A companion to ancient Egypt vol. II 826-852
[15112] 2009 Rashed, M.G.
The goddess Bat and the confusion with Hathor
The horizon. Studies in Egyptology in honour of M.A. Nur el-Din 407-419
[13620] 2009 Stevenson, A.
The Predynastic Egyptian cemetery of el-Gerzeh. Social identities and mortuary practices
OLA 186
[13409] 2009 Graff, G.
Les représentations de femmes et de la plante nagadienne sur les vases Decorated-ware de Nagada II
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie 12 33-69
[13069] 2009 Graff, G.
Les peintures sur vases de Nagada I - Nagada II. Nouvelle approche sémiologique de l'iconographie prédynastique
Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 6
[14335] 2008 Sadig, A.M.
Towards study of the social organization and settlement patterns of the Neolithic communities in Central Sudan
Adumatu 18 7-26
[12887] 2008 Watrin, L.
Human sacrifices in Early Dynastic Egypt: An archaeological mirage ?
Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists. Abstracts of papers 273-274
[12836] 2008 Stevenson, A.
Ethnicity and migration ? The cemetery of el-Gerzeh
Egypt at its origins 2. Proceedings of the International Conference "Origin of the state, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Toulouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005 545-562
[12835] 2008 Stevenson, A.
Understanding ritual activity in Gerzean cemeteries: Global trends and local narratives
Abstracts of papers presented at The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt 161-162