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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caireof Oriental Archaeology - Cairo

Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[13588] 2009 Riemer, H.
Prehistoric trap hunting in the eastern Saharan deserts: A re-evaluation of the game trap structures
Desert animals in the eastern Sahara: Status, economic significance, and cultural reflection in antiquity. Proceedings of an interdisciplinary ACACIA workshop held at the University of Cologne, December 14-15, 2007. Colloquium Africanum 4 175-188
[13517] 2009 Lenssen-Erz, T.; Linstädter, J.
Resources, use potential and basic needs: A methodological framework for landscape archaeology
African landscapes. Interdisciplinary approaches 159-197
[13509] 2009 Kuper, R.; Riemer, H.
The Gilf Kebir National Park - challenge and change for archaeology
New perspectives on the Western Desert of Egypt. 6th international conference Dakhleh Oasis Project. Università del Salento, September 20th-24th-2009. Abstracts 22-24
[13202] 2009 Riemer, H.
Prehistoric rock art research in the Western Desert of Egypt
Archéo-Nil 19 31-46
[13034] 2009 d'Huy, J.
New evidence for a closeness between the Abû Râ's shelter (Eastern Sahara) and Egyptian beliefs
Sahara 20 125-126
[12992] 2009 Borda, M.
Survey of an unnamed plain in Egypt's Western Desert
Sahara 20 184-186
[12910] 2008 Zboray, A.
Some further rock art finds at Jebel Uweinat and the Gilf Kebir
Sahara 19 149-154
[12717] 2008 Le Quellec, J.-L.
Can one 'read' rock art ? An Egyptian example
Iconography without texts 25-42
[12704] 2008 Labridy, L.; Silpa, F.
Aegyptio-Graphica VIII. Description comparative de l'iconographie protodynastique des Deux Lutteurs
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie 11 103-106
[12465] 2008 Borda, M.
A remarkable rock art shelter between Gilf Kebir and Uweinat
Sahara 19 147-148
[12473] 2007 Bubenzer, O.; Riemer, H.
Holocene climatic change and human settlement between the central Sahara and the Nile Valley: Archaeological and geomorphological results
Geoarchaeology 22 607-620
[12215] 2007 Linstädter, J.
Rocky islands within oceans of sand - archaeology of the Jebel Ouenat / Gilf Kebir region, eastern Sahara
Atlas of cultural and environmental change in arid Africa. Africa Praehistorica 21 34-37
[11827] 2006 Loth, M.
Exkurs: Die ältesten Schwimmerdarstellungen Ägyptens ?
"... herabzusteigen und vor Dir zu baden". Schwimmen im Alten Ägypten. Kemet 15,4 20-21
[12216] 2005 Linstädter, J.; Tegtmeier, U. (eds.)
Wadi Bakht - Landschaftsarchäologie einer Siedlungskammer im Gilf Kebir
Africa Praehistorica 18
[12210] 2005 Linstädter, J.
Erforschung und Bearbeitung der Fundplätze des Wadi Bakht und seiner Umgebung
Wadi Bakht. Landschaftsarchäologie einer Siedlungskammer im Gilf Kebir. Africa Praehistorica 18 15-49
[12190] 2005 Kröpelin, S.
The geomorphological and palaeoclimatic framework of prehistoric occupation in the Wadi Bakht area
Wadi Bakht. Landschaftsarchäologie einer Siedlungskammer im Gilf Kebir. Africa Praehistorica 18 51-65
[11671] 2005 Zboray, A.
The late Prehistoric cultures of the Gilf Kebir and Jebel Uweinat. The evidence from rock art
L'Egypte pré- et protodynastique. Les origines de l'état. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State. Toulouse (France) - 5-8 sept. 2005. Livret des résumés. Abstracts of papers 92
[11476] 2005 Le Quellec, J.-L.; de Flers, P.; de Flers, P.
Du Sahara au Nil, peintures et gravures d'avant les pharaons
[11409] 2005 Hopp, D.
Ein Artefakt aus Wüstenglas vom Gilf Kebir
Kemet 14,4 53-55
[10782] 2004 Grimal, N.; Adly, E.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 2002-2003. Désert libyque
Orientalia 73 123
[11129] 2003 Zboray, A.
Some results of recent expeditions to the Gilf Kebir & Jebel Uweinat
Les Cahiers de l'AARS 8 97-104
[11128] 2003 Zboray, A.
New rock art findings at Jebel Uweinat and the Gilf Kebir
Sahara 14 111-127
[10902] 2003 Linstädter, J.
Systems of Prehistoric land use in the Gilf Kebir
Egyptology at the dawn of the Twenty-first Century. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists. Cairo, 2000. Vol. 2. History, Religion 381-388
[10848] 2003 Jesse, F.
Rahib 80/87. Ein Wavy-Line-Fundplatz im Wadi Howar und die früheste Keramik in Nordafrika
Africa Praehistorica 16
[10759] 2003 Grimal, N.; Adly, E.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 2000-2002. Désert libyque
Orientalia 72 112-114