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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[13532] 2010 Menardi Noguera, A.; Carmignoto, P.; Contavalli, N.; Grugni, E.
The stone lines of Upper Wadi Mashi (Gilf Kebir, Egypt)
Sahara 21 197-205
[13515] 2010 Le Quellec, J.-L.
Nil et Sahara: Vingt ans plus tard
Archéo-Nil 20 62-75
[13508] 2010 Kuper, R.
Djara. Africa Praehistorica 23.1 9
[13489] 2010 Kindermann, K.
Djara. Zur mittelholozänen Besiedlungsgeschichte zwischen Niltal und Oasen (Abu-Muharik-Plateau, Ägypten)
Djara. Africa Praehistorica 23.1 11-538
[13488] 2010 Kindermann, K.
Africa Praehistorica 23.1-2
[13474] 2010 Ikram, S.
Nile currents
KMT 21,2 5-8
[13473] 2010 Ikram, S.
Nile currents
KMT 21,1 4-6
[13459] 2010 Honneger, M.
La Nubie et le Soudan: Un bilan des vingt dernières années de recherche sur la pré- et protohistoire
Archéo-Nil 20 76-86
[13454] 2010 Hober-Kamel, G.
Steinzeitliche Funde in den ägyptischen Oasen und im Sinai
Kemet 19,4 89
[13432] 2010 Hendrickx, S.
L'iconographie de la chasse dans le contexte social prédynastique
Archéo-Nil 20 106-133
[13410] 2010 Gratien, B.
Prospection dans le Kordofan occidental, autour de Zankor et d'Abou Sofyan (2002-2005)
Between the cataracts. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of Nubian Studies. Warsaw University, 28 August - 2 September 2006. Part two, fasc. 1. Session papers. PAM Supplement Series 2 237-245
[13407] 2010 Godhoff, H.F.
From the Nile to the desert ? The Conical Hill 02/4 site in the Lower Wadi Howar
Between the cataracts. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of Nubian Studies. Warsaw University, 28 August - 2 September 2006. Part two, fasc. 1. Session papers. PAM Supplement Series 2 247-253
[13332] 2010 Claßen, E.; Kindermann, K.; Pastoors, A.; Riemer, H.
Djara - Höhlenbilder in der Westwüste Ägyptens
Djara. Africa Praehistorica 23.2 767-812
[13317] 2010 Cannuyer, C.
La girafe dans la culture de l'Egypte Pré/Protodynastique
La girafe dans l'Egypte ancienne et le verbe . Etude de lexicographie et de symbolique animalière 50-138
[13310] 2010 Bubenzer, O.; Besler, H.
Sands as archives of environmental change: Examples from Egypt, Sudan and Namibia
Towards interdisciplinarity. Experiences of the long-term ACACIA project 23-48
[13309] 2010 Briois, F.; Midant-Reynes, B.
L'oasis de Kharga dans la préhistoire: Aux origines des cultures prédynastiques
Archéo-Nil 20 43-50
[13296] 2010 Bárta, M.
Swimmers in the sand. On the Neolithic origins of ancient Egyptian mythology and symbolism
[13294] 2010 Barich, B.E.
Antica Africa. Alle origini delle società
[13273] 2010 Adelsberger, K.A.; Smith, J.R.
Paleolandscape and paleoenvironmental interpretation of spring-deposited sediments in Dakhleh Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt
Catena 83 7-22
[15515] 2009 Sadig, A.M.
Neolithic adaptations and subsistence economy in the middle Nile region
Water, culture and identity. Comparing past and present traditions in the Nile basin region 237-272
[15511] 2009 Haaland, R.
Aquatic resource utilization and the emergence of pottery during the Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. A global perspective from the Nile to China
Water, culture and identity. Comparing past and present traditions in the Nile basin region 213-236
[14765] 2009 Betz, R.
Nabta playa saved
Ancient Egypt 10,2 26-30
[14731] 2009 Svoboda, J.A.
Action, ritual, and myth in the rock-art of Egyptian Western Desert
Anthropologie 47,12 159-167
[14721] 2009 Suková, L.
[Egypt as gift of the desert] [Czech]
[Islands of oblivion. El-Hayz and Czech exploration of Egypt's western desert] 77-111
[14361] 2009 Valtorta, E.
The ritualised body. Body treatment and ritual practices in Egyptian Predynastic burials
Proceedings of the Fifth Central European Conference of Young Egyptologists. Egypt 2009. Perspectives of research. Pułtusk 22-24 June 2009. Acta Archaeologica Pułtuskiensia 2 195-205