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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[3396] 1992 Kaiser, W.
Zur unterirdischen Anlage der Djoserpyramide und ihrer entwicklungsgeschichtlichen Einordnung
Gegengabe. Festschrift für Emma Brunner-Traut 167-190
[2868] 1992 Hassan, F.A.
Town and village in ancient Egypt: Ecology, society and urbanization
The archaeology of Africa. Food, metals and towns 551-569
[1853] 1992 Dreyer, G.
The royal tombs of Abydos
The Near East in antiquity. Vol. III 55-67
[383] 1992 Bard, K.A.
Toward an intepretation of the role of ideology in the evolution of complex society in Egypt
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 11 1-24
[7275] 1991 Williams, B.B.
A prospectus for exploring the historical essence of ancient Nubia
Egypt and Africa. Nubia from Prehistory to Islam 74-91
[6667] 1991 Uphill, E.P.
The royal ka houses of Egypt. A survey
Journal of the Ancient Chronology Forum 5 77-88
[6545] 1991 Swelim, N.
Some remarks on the great rectangular monuments of Middle Saqqara
MDAIK 47 389-402
[6466] 1991 Stadelmann, R.
Das Dreikammersystem der Königsgräber der Frühzeit und des Alten Reiches
MDAIK 47 373-388
[5255] 1991 Patch, D.C.
The origin and early development of urbanism in ancient Egypt: A regional study
Dissertation Abstracts International. Section A. The Humanities and Social Sciences 52,7 2604
[4461] 1991 Margueron, J.-C.
Information: de l'Uruk dans le delta du Nil ?
Orient Express 1991/1 10
[2826] 1991 Hart, G.
Dawn: The emergence of the pharaonic realm
Royal persons. Patriarchal monarchy and the feminine principle 26-68
[1850] 1991 Dreyer, G.
Zur Rekonstruktion der Oberbauten der Königsgräber der 1. Dynastie in Abydos
MDAIK 47 93-104
[1826] 1991 Dorner, J.
Überlegungen zur Fassadengliederung der grossen Mastabagräber aus der 1. Dynastie
MDAIK 47 81-92
[1179] 1991 Cervelló Autuori, J.
La dualità di tombe dei re della prima dinastia: un'interpretazione storico-religiosa
Sixth International Congress of Egyptology, abstracts of papers 120-121
[12422] 1990 Valbelle, D.
Les premières villes
Naissance des cités 261-274
[4615] 1990 McHugh, W.P.
Implications of a decorated Predynastic terracotta model for Saharan Neolithic influence in the Nile Valley
JNES 49 265-280
[589] 1990 Best, J.G.P.
A timber-grave complex in Egypt around 3200 BC
Orpheus 0 24-28
[5541] 1989 Porta, G.
L'architettura egizia delle origini in legno e materiali leggeri
[5146] 1989 O'Connor, D.
New funerary enclosures (Talbezirke) of the Early Dynastic period at Abydos
JARCE 26 51-86
[3523] 1989 Kempinski, A.
Urbanization and metallurgy in Southern Canaan
L'urbanisation de la Palestine à l'âge du bronze ancien. BAR 527 163-168
[2105] 1989 Fairservis, W.A.
The 'Fort' at Hierakonpolis
ARCE Annual Meeting. Philadelphia 1989. Program & abstracts 30
[798] 1989 Brinks, J.
Die Entwicklung der Mastaba bis zum Ende des Alten Reiches
Akten des Vierten Internationalen Ägyptologen Kongresses, München 1985. Band 2. SAK, Beiheft 2 35-44
[540] 1989 Beit-Arieh, I.
The Early Bronze Age pattern of settlement in the Sinai
L'urbanisation de la Palestine à l'âge du bronze ancien. BAR 527 189-198
[6666] 1988 Uphill, E.P.
Natural urban growth: Prehistoric background
Egyptian towns and cities. Shire Egyptology 8 8-13
[5861] 1987 Russmann, E.R.
(Letter to the editor)
Scientific American 257,5 3