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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[8] 1975 Adams, B.
Petrie's manuscript notes on the Koptos foundation deposits of Thutmosis III. App. 1. List of distribution lists in the Petrie Museum. App. 2. List of Petrie journals. App. 3. List of Petrie notebooks
JEA 61 108-113
[3409] 1974 Kantor, H.J.
Frühe Stufen der Kunst 227-255
[1115] 1974 Casini, M.
Manufatti litici egiziani a code di pesce
Origini 8 203-228
[7235] 1973 Wierciński, A.
The problem of anthroposcopic variations in ancient Egyptians
Journal of Human Evolution 2 143-165
[6518] 1973 Strouhal, E.
Temporal and spacial analysis of some craniometric features in ancient Egyptians and Nubians
Journal of Human Evolution 2 121-142
[4314] 1973 Leek, F.F.
Further studies concerning ancient Egyptian bread
JEA 59 199-204
[7234] 1972 Wierciński, A.
The racial analysis of Predynastic population in Egypt
Rivista di Antropologia 49 supl. 431-440
[6517] 1972 Strouhal, E.
Une contribution à la question du caractère de la population préhistorique de la Haute Egypte
Congrès Panafricain de Préhistoire. Dakar 1967. Actes de 6e session 510-512
[5143] 1972 O'Connor, D.
A regional population in Egypt to circa 600 BC
Population growth: Anthropological implications 78-100
[585] 1972 Berry, A.C.; Berry, R.J.
Origins and relations of the ancient Egyptians. Based on a study of non-metrical variations in the skull
Journal of Human Evolution 1 199-208
[187] 1972 Angel, J.L.
Biological relations of Egyptian and Eastern Mediterranean populations during Pre-dynastic and Dynastic times
Journal of Human Evolution 1 307-313
[6516] 1971 Strouhal, E.
Evidence of the early penetration of negroes into Prehistoric Egypt
Journal of African History 12 1-9
[6515] 1970 Strouhal, E.
[Evidence of the early penetration of negroes into Prehistoric Egypt] [Czech]
Zpravy Ceskoslovenske spolecnosti orientalisticke pri CsAV 8,1 48-56
[6770] 1969 Vaufrey, R.
Egypte et confins du désert Libyque. Soudan nilotique
Préhistoire de l'Afrique. Tome I. Au nord et à l'est de la grande forêt 209-264
[6769] 1969 Vaufrey, R.
L'art rupestre saharien. Gravures rupestres naturalistes
Préhistoire de l'Afrique. Tome I. Au nord et à l'est de la grande forêt 170-175
[1817] 1969 Donadoni Roveri, A.M.
I sarcofagi egizi dalle origini alla fine dell'Antico Regno
Serie Archaeologica 16
[1200] 1969 Chamla, M.-C.
La carie dentaire chez les hommes préhistoriques d'Afrique du nord: épipaléolithique et néolithique
L'Anthropologie 73 545-578
[6660] 1968 Ucko, P.J.
Anthropomorphic figures of Predynastic Egypt and Neolithic Crete with comparative material from the Prehistoric Near East and mainland Greece
Royal Anthropological Institute, Occasional Papers 24
[6514] 1968 Strouhal, E.
Une contribution à la question du caractère de la population préhistorique de la Haute-Egypte
Anthropologie 6 19-22
[5262] 1968 Payne, J.C.
Lapis lazuli in early Egypt
Iraq 30 58-61
[4859] 1968 Müller-Karpe, H.
Handbuch der Vorgeschichte. Band II. Jungsteinzeit. Regesten gewichtiger Funde 396-413
[812] 1968 Brothwell, D.R.; Powers, R.
Congenital malformations of the skeleton in earlier man
The skeletal biology of earlier human populations. Symposia Soc. Study of Human Biology 8 173-203
[7017] 1967 Wallert, I.
Die vorgeschichtliche und frühdynastische Zeit
Der Verzierte Löffel. Seine Formgeschichte und Verwendung im Alten Ägypten. Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 16 5-9
[586] 1967 Berry, A.C.; Berry, R.J.; Ucko, P.J.
Genetical change in ancient Egypt
Man n.s., 2 551-568
[584] 1967 Berry, A.C.; Berry, R.J.
Epigenetic variation in the human cranium
Journal of Anatomy 101,2 361-379