Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
494 référencesreferences (20 pages) ToutAll
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[12128] | 2007 | Haaland, R. |
Porridge and pot, bread and oven: Food ways and symbolism in Africa and the Near East from the Neolithic to the present Cambridge Archaeological Journal 17 165-182 |
[12646] | 2006 | Ikram, S. |
Nile currents KMT 17,4 5-8 |
[12301] | 2006 | Shirai, N. |
Supra-regional concepts in Near Eastern neolithisation from a viewpoint of Egyptian Neolithic research Paléorient 32 7-21 |
[12137] | 2006 | Hassan, F.A.; Tassie, G.J. |
Modelling environmental and settlement change in the Fayum Egyptian Archaeology 29 37-40 |
[11873] | 2006 | Spencer, P. |
Digging diary 2005-2006 Egyptian Archaeology 29 25-29 |
[11798] | 2006 | Jones, J.; Oldfield, R. |
Egypt's earliest linen Egyptian Archaeology 29 33-35 |
[11784] | 2006 | Ikram, S. |
Nile currents KMT 17,2 8-12 |
[11772] | 2006 | Hassan, F.A.; Tassie, G.J. |
Modelling environmental and settlement change in the Fayum Egyptian Archaeology 29 37-40 |
[11724] | 2006 | el-Huseny, A.E.M. |
Die inkonsequente Tabuisierung von Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758 im Alten Ägypten. Seine ökonomische und religiöse Bedeutung |
[12294] | 2005 | Schepers, M.; Cappers, R.T.J.; Heijen, I. |
Neolithische graanopslag in de Fayum (Egypte) Paleo-Aktueel 17 55-62 |
[11878] | 2005 | Tristant, Y. |
Le delta du Nil avant les pharaons. Entre originalités locales et influences étrangères Archéo-Nil 15 75-102 |
[11653] | 2005 | Wendrich, W.; Cappers, R. |
Egypt's earliest granaries: evidence from the Fayum Egyptian Archaeology 27 12-15 |
[11634] | 2005 | Vente Drouot Richelieu |
Grand vase. Deux palettes et cinq pesons. Palette à fard. Palette à fard. Deux vases Archéologie. Miniatures orientales. Art de la Chine. Samedi 15 octobre - Dimande 16 octobre 2005 n° 349-353 |
[11615] | 2005 | Tristant, Y. |
Les premières communautés agricoles de la vallée du Nil Dossiers d'Archéologie 307 14-21 |
[11586] | 2005 | Shirai, N. |
Walking with herdsmen: In search of the material evidence for the diffusion of agriculture from the Levant to Egypt Neo-Lithics 2005/1 12-17 |
[11484] | 2005 | Lucarini, G. |
Harvesting techniques and plant exploitation in late Neolithic and Predynastic Egypt. Contributions from functional analysis and experimental archaeology L'Egypte pré- et protodynastique. Les origines de l'état. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State. Toulouse (France) - 5-8 sept. 2005. Livret des résumés. Abstracts of papers 66-67 |
[11439] | 2005 | Jones, J. |
Pre- and Early Dynastic textiles: Technology, specialisation and administration during the process of state formation L'Egypte pré- et protodynastique. Les origines de l'état. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State. Toulouse (France) - 5-8 sept. 2005. Livret des résumés. Abstracts of papers 54-55 |
[11419] | 2005 | Ikram, S. |
Nile currents KMT 16,1 4-7 |
[11398] | 2005 | Höber-Kamel, G. |
Prähistorische Getreidespeicher ausgegraben Kemet 14,2 89 |
[12767] | 2004 | Pardo Mata, P. |
Possible parallels between Egyptian and Sudanese Neolithic figurines, and another contemporaneous ones coming from the Near Eastern area Boletín de la Asociación Española de Orientalistas 40 135-147 |
[11826] | 2004 | Linseele, V. |
Size and size change of the African aurochs during the Pleistocene and Holocene Journal of African Archaeology 2 165-185 |
[11741] | 2004 | Garcea, E.A.A. |
An alternative way towards food production: The perspective from the Libyan Sahara Journal of World Prehistory 18 107-154 |
[11666] | 2004 | Yokell, C.A. |
Modeling socioeconomic evolution and continuity in ancient Egypt. The value and limitations of zooarchaeological analyses BAR International series 1315 |
[11597] | 2004 | Spencer, P. |
Digging diary 2003-2004 Egyptian Archaeology 25 25-29 |
[11524] | 2004 | Morini, A. |
Bibliografia del Fayyum Archeologia e Storia della Civilità Egiziana e del Vicino Oriente Antico. Materiali e studi 8 |