Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
1140 référencesreferences (46 pages) ToutAll
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[9089] | 1998 | Ziegler, C. |
The Predynastic period, the Thinite period and the Third Dynasty Egyptian treasures from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo 26-49 |
[9086] | 1998 | Williams, B.B. |
The wearer of the leopard skin in the Naqada period Ancient Egypt, the Aegean and the Near East. Studies in honour of Martha Rhoads Bell. Vol. I 483-496 |
[9071] | 1998 | Vente Drouot-Richelieu |
Hache votive. Lot composé de 16 outils divers en silex. Lame de silex. Couteau. Palette scutiforme. Couteau. Vase Archéologie. Vendredi 25 et samedi 26 septembre 1998 n° 264, 626-631 |
[9069] | 1998 | Vente Drouot-Richelieu |
Huit vases en albâtre. Double vase. Important vase tronconique. Trois vases. Collection de seize vases en albâtre et pierres diverses. Deux vases prédynastiques. Collection de onze vases prédynastiques Archéologie égyptienne et gréco-romaine. Vendredi 13 Mars 1998. Olivier Coctau-Bégarie n° 111-8, 132-3, 153-5, 171-86, 189-99, 281-2 |
[9049] | 1998 | Sotheby's New York |
A schist cosmetic palette. Six antiquities, Predynastic period. Three black-topped red-ware jars. Three black-topped red-ware jars. A limestone hippopotamus. Thirteen alabaster and calcite Vessels. A breccia vase. A black basalt jar. A dolomite jar. A ca Antiquities and Islamic art. Thursday, December 17, 1998 n° 1-13 |
[9048] | 1998 | Sotheby's New York |
A limestone jar. An indurated limestone jar. A porphyry jar. A white marble jar. A granite vase. A buff-ware double jar. A schist cosmetic palette Antiquities and Islamic art. Thursday, June 4, 1998 n° 24-25, 29-31, 85, 267 |
[9013] | 1998 | Pérez Largacha, A. |
Paletas predinásticas La colección egipcia de la Real Academia de Córdoba (legado Blanco Caro) 19-21 |
[9009] | 1998 | Park, R. |
A tale of two brothers and the pomegranate DE 42 121-129 |
[9007] | 1998 | Osborn, D.J.; Osbornová, J. |
The mammals of ancient Egypt |
[8985] | 1998 | Menu, B. |
Le corpus constitutionnel de Narmer Egypte, Afrique & Orient 8 22-27 |
[8984] | 1998 | Menu, B. |
Hiérakonpolis, berceau de la monarchie pharaonique Egypte, Afrique & Orient 8 18-21 |
[8983] | 1998 | Menu, B. |
L'affirmation du pouvoir royal et les documents fondateurs de la monarchie Egypte, Afrique & Orient 8 13-17 |
[8972] | 1998 | Mark, S. |
From Egypt to Mesopotamia. A study of Predynastic trade routes |
[8878] | 1998 | Hendrickx, S. |
Peaux d'animaux comme symboles prédynastiques. A propos de quelques représentations sur les vases White Cross-lined CdE 73 203-230 |
[8859] | 1998 | Gundlach, R. |
Der Pharaoh und sein Staat. Die Grundlegung der ägyptischen Königsideologie im 4. und 3. Jahrtausend |
[8787] | 1998 | Davies, W.V.; Friedman, R.F. |
The Narmer palette: A forgotten member Nekhen News 10 22 |
[8779] | 1998 | Christie's London |
A mottled stone figure of a crouching ape. A green schist cosmetic palette in the form of a bird. A chert limestone jar. A greywacke bowl. An alabaster cylinder "rope-patterned" jar. A red breccia ovular Jar. A Diorite Bowl Antiquities. Wednesday 23 September 1998. Sale ANT-8126 n° 54-59, 62 |
[8760] | 1998 | Calmettes, M.-A. |
Les palettes égyptiennes prédynastiques Archéologia 346 fiches suppl |
[8750] | 1998 | Bonhams |
Two Egyptian Pre-Dynastic flint knives and seven other flint implements. A Pre-Dynastic red brecchia vessel. A large Egyptian Pre-Dynastic black-top jar. A tall Pre-Dynastic black-top ware vessel. A large Pre-Dynastic red burnished ware ovoid vessel. An Antiquities. 22nd September 1998 n° 33, 43, 113, 127-133 |
[8745] | 1998 | Bianchi, A. |
On the presence of the Wild Dog in ancient Egyptian iconography DE 42 7-14 |
[11936] | 1997 | Eisenberg, J.M. |
Unknown Egyptian treasures in Swiss private collections Minerva 8,4 9-15 |
[8931] | 1997 | Laurent, V. |
Palette à fard. Vase. Ensemble de silex Antiquités égyptiennes. Inventaire des collections du Musée des Beaux Arts de Dijon n° 360, 389, 520 |
[8821] | 1997 | Fischer, H.G. |
Fish palette. Turtle palette Searching for ancient Egypt. Art, architecture and artifacts from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology 226-227 |
[8625] | 1997 | Schneider, T. |
Das Schriftzeichen "Rosette" und die Göttin Seschat SAK 24 241-267 |
[8614] | 1997 | Rousseau, J. |
Analyse dimensionnelle de monuments de l'Egypte pré- et protohistorique DE 38 83-95 |