Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
443 référencesreferences (18 pages) ToutAll
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[5216] | 1980 | Pachur, H.-J.; Gabriel, B. |
Geomorphologische Untersuchungen in der Western Desert, Ägypten |
[5214] | 1980 | Pachur, H.-J.; Braun, G. |
The palaeoclimate of the Central Sahara, Libya and the Libyan Desert Palaeoecology of Africa 12 351-363 |
[2911] | 1980 | Haynes, C.V.; Haas, H. |
Radiocarbon evidence for Holocene recharge of ground waters, Western Desert, Egypt Radiocarbon 22 705-717 |
[2895] | 1980 | Haynes, C.V. |
Geological evidence of pluvial climates in the Nabta area of the Western Desert, Egypt Prehistory of the Eastern Sahara 355-371 |
[1983] | 1980 | el-Hadidi, M.N. |
Vegetation of the Nubian Desert (Nabta region) Prehistory of the Eastern Sahara 317-344 |
[964] | 1980 | Butzer, K.W. |
Klima LdA 3 455-457 |
[6616] | 1979 | Tricart, J. |
L'Orient à l'aube du développement des civilisations Annalles de Géographie 490 715-722 |
[3818] | 1979 | Labeyrie, J. |
Sea level variations and the birth of the Egyptian civilization Radiocarbon dating. Proceedings of the Ninth Intern. Conference. Los Angeles and La Jolla, 1976 32-36 |
[2299] | 1978 | Gabriel, B. |
Klima- und Landschaftswandel der Sahara Sahara. 10.000 Jahre zwischen Weide und Wüste 22-34 |
[7107] | 1977 | Wendorf, F.; Close, A.E.; Schild, R.; Said, R.; Haynes, C.V.; Kobusiewicz, M.; Gautier, A.; el-Hadidi, N.; Wieckowska, H. |
Late Pleistocene and recent climatic changes in the Egyptian Sahara Geographical Journal 143,2 211-234 |
[6253] | 1977 | Shmida, A. |
Remarks on the palaeo-climates of Sinaï based on the distribution patterns of relict plants Prehistoric investigations in Gebel Maghara, Northern Sinaï. Qedem 7 36-41 |
[5800] | 1977 | Rognon, P.; Williams, M.A.J. |
Late Quaternary climatic changes in Australia and North Africa Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 21 285-327 |
[6552] | 1976 | Täckholm, V.L. |
Ancient Egypt, landscape, flora and agriculture The Nile, biology of an ancient River 51-71 |
[5797] | 1976 | Rognon, P. |
Essai d'interprétation des variations climatiques au Sahara depuis 40.000 ans Revue de Géologie Dynamique et de Géographie Physique 18 251-282 |
[4410] | 1976 | Lubell, D. |
The seasonal factor in the Egyptian Late Palaeolithic. A case study and several hypotheses Proceedings of the Panafrican Congress of Prehist. and Quaternary Studies. VII Session. Addis Abeba 1971 111-126 |
[3631] | 1976 | Korfmann, M. |
Climatic background of the early neolitisation of North-Eastern Africa Proceedings of the Panafrican Congress of Prehist. and Quaternary Studies. VII Session. Addis Abeba 1971 107-110 |
[7206] | 1975 | Wickens, G.E. |
Changes in the climate and the vegetation of the Sudan since 20.000 B.P Boissiera 24 43-65 |
[5869] | 1975 | Saad, I.S.; Sami, S. |
Report on palynological research in Egypt. III. Studies of the pollen and spore content of Nile Delta deposits Palaeoecology of Africa 11 107-109 |
[959] | 1975 | Butzer, K.W. |
Patterns of environmental change in the Near East during Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene times Problems in Prehistory: North Africa and the Levant 389-410 |
[5906] | 1972 | Said, R.; Albritton, C.C.; Wendorf, F.; Schild, R.; Kobusiewicz, M. |
Remarks on the Holocene geology and archaeology of Northern Fayum Desert Archaeologia Polona 13 7-22 |
[5617] | 1972 | Raikes, R.L.; Palmieri, A.M. |
Environmental conditions in the Nile Valley over the past 10,000 years Journal of Human Evolution 1 147-154 |
[2123] | 1972 | Faris, M.I. |
Quaternary environmental changes in the Nile Valley and their effect on man The Origin of Homo Sapiens, UNESCO, Ecology Conservation Series 3 219-220 |
[978] | 1972 | Butzer, K.W.; Hansen, C.L. |
Interrelations of Subsaharan Nilotic deposits and local wadi alluvia in Southern Egypt Congrès Panafricain de Préhistoire. Dakar 1967. Actes de 6e session 336-337 |
[954] | 1972 | Butzer, K.W. |
Quartäre Vorzeitklimate des Sahara Die Sahara und ihre Randgebiete. Darstellung eines Naturgrossraumes. I. Band 350-388 |
[952] | 1972 | Butzer, K.W. |
Environmental changes in Southwestern Asia and Egypt during Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene times Fundamenta Series B, vol. 3 |