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National Library of Sweden, Kungliga biblioteket
Manuscripts, Maps and Pictures Division
Box 5039,
SE-102 41 Stockholm
+46 (0) 10 709 30 00
+46 (0) 10 709 39 25 ;
Archives manuscrites de Johan David Åkerblad (1763-1819) :

Shelf code N 71. Preparatory work for a dictionary Greek-Arabic-Latin.
Shelf code N 71a. A copy of the inscription of the Rosetta stone.
Shelf code N 72. 1 portfolio. Notes, three letters to Åkerblad ; A list of names of artists living in Rome.

Manuscripts by Åkerblad : Notices sur la géographie d’Ibn Hacal ; Mémoire sur les noms coptes de quelques villes et villages d’Égypte ; Notes of philological and archeological nature and notes from books and monuments, mostly in Greek. Several small prints and some small publications.

In our Manuscripts’ catalogue there are no references to literature about Åkerblad and his manuscripts but a search in our national book catalogue (LIBRIS) on Johan David Åkerblad will give you 9 relevant titles : see the web site.
There is at Uppsala University a prominent expert on Åkerblad , Dr. Fredrik Thomasson, and you will find his studies in the LIBRIS-database,

Archives scientifiques de l’Ifao Version 1, données dudata date 1er octobre 2015October 1st 2015