Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire


Catalogue des publications

pays/zone estimés: EGY XXX

BIFAO102_art_15.pdf (0.41 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 102
2002 IFAO
9 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Eine demotische Hierodulie-Urkunde aus dem Fajjum. P. Kairo 50018.

Republication of a papyrus fragment which was published without transliteration or translation as "Brief (Eingabe an Götter)". This article corrects misconceptions and produces a new understanding and interpretation, concluding that it is a hierodule document. The present papyrus fragment in the Cairo Museum is a further contribution to the study of hierodules, hitherto published only in a few pieces. It is one of the latest, if not the latest, in date; it is probably very late Ptolemaic, found in the Fayyum.