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Annales islamologiques 48.2
35 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Al-Ḫilāfāt al-zawǧiyya bi-l-Maġrib al-adnā ḫilāl al-ʿaṣrayn al-fāṭimī wa-l-zīrī (296-555 H/909-1160 apr. J.C.)

The Study focuses on the stress and dispute relation that characterized married life of some Eastern Maghribi families during the Fatimid and Zirid eras. These disputes reflected the role of both man and woman with the domination of maleness, through battery and assault. The reasons behind disputes varied due to the general circumstances of the society under study, but mainly to the material problems. Different factors were cited behind the various responses of couples towards disputes and assault. The study explains the role of relatives, Sheikhs, judges, and men of law in reducing divisiveness, though their efforts could not rectify all the disputes, which sometimes continued insoluble till the marital bond was torn apart by resorting to divorce.

Keywords: Maghreb – women – family life – marital disputes

تتناول‭ ‬تلك‭ ‬الدرا”ة‭ ‬علاقة‭ ‬التوتر‭ ‬والخلاف‭ ‬التي‭ ‬’بغت‭ ‬الحياة‭ ‬الزوجية‭ ‬لبعض‭ ‬الأ”ر‭ ‬المغربية‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬ع’ري‭ ‬الفاطميين‭ ‬وبني‭ ‬“يري،‭ ‬والتي‭ ‬كان‭ ‬للرجل‭ ‬والمرأة‭ ‬دور‭ ‬فيها،‭ ‬ولكن‭ ‬نتيجة‭ ‬الطابع‭ ‬الذكوري‭ ‬للمجتمع‭ ‬تجلى‭ ‬الدور‭ ‬الأكبر‭ ‬لل“وج‭ ‬في‭ ‬ظهور‭ ‬تلك‭ ‬الم‘اكل‭ ‬نتيجة‭ ‬ا”تخدامه‭ ‬’وراً‭ ‬متعددة‭ ‬للعنف‭ ‬تجاه‭ ‬الزوجة‭. ‬وقد‭ ‬تنوعت‭ ‬دوافع‭ ‬تلك‭ ‬الخلافات،‭ ‬والتي‭ ‬لا‭ ‬يمكن‭ ‬فصلها‭ ‬عن‭ ‬الظروف‭ ‬العامة‭ ‬المحيطة‭ ‬بالمجتمع‭ ‬موضوع‭ ‬الدر”،‭ ‬وإن‭ ‬احتل‭ ‬الم‘كل‭ ‬المادي‭ ‬رتبة‭ ‬الصدارة‭ ‬فيها؛‭ ‬وقد‭ ‬ت”ببت‭ ‬مجموعة‭ ‬من‭ ‬العوامل‭ ‬في‭ ‬تنوع‭ ‬ردود‭ ‬أفعال‭ ‬الزوجين‭ ‬تجاه‭ ‬تلك‭ ‬الخلافات،‭ ‬التي‭ ‬وصلت‭ ‬أحياناً‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬حد‭ ‬الضرب‭ ‬بالأيدي‭. ‬وقد‭ ‬بينت‭ ‬الدرا”ة‭ ‬الدور‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬قام‭ ‬به‭ ‬الأقارب‭ ‬والم‘ايخ‭ ‬والأولياء‭ ‬والقضاة‭ ‬والفقهاء‭ ‬في‭ ‬إ’لاح‭ ‬ذات‭ ‬البين‭ ‬والت’دي‭ ‬للخلافات‭ ‬وإ“الة‭ ‬الشقاق‭ ‬ورأبه،‭ ‬وإن‭ ‬لم‭ ‬تقض‭ ‬تلك‭ ‬الجهود‭ ‬على‭ ‬جميع‭ ‬الخلافات،‭ ‬التي‭ ‬ظل‭ ‬بعضها‭ ‬مستع’ياً‭ ‬على‭ ‬الحل،‭ ‬مما‭ ‬يدفع‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬فصم‭ ‬رابطة‭ ‬الزوجية‭ ‬باللجوء‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬الطلاق‭.

الكلمات‭ ‬المفتاحية‭: ‬بلاد‭ ‬المغرب‭ - ‬المرأة‭ - ‬الحياة‭ ‬الأ”رية‭ - ‬الخلافات‭ ‬الزوجية