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Annales islamologiques 44
2010 IFAO
27 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Al-tawāṣūl al-ḥaḍārī bayna al-moǧtamaʿayn al-maṣrī wa al-tatarī fī al-ʿaṣr al-mamlūkī (648-923H - 1250-1517). Ruʾya ʿarabiya lel-tatār. التواصل الحضاري بين المجتمعين المصري والتتري في العصرالمملوكي ١٥١٧-١٢٥٠ / ٩٢٣-٦٤٧

Cultural Exchanges between both Egyptian and Tatarsin the Mamluk Period (648-923 AH / 1250-1517 AD). Arab Vision for the Tartars

The article explores the relationship between the various Tatars who came to Egypt and Egyptian society in the course of the Mamluk period (1250-1517). Tatars arrived in Egypt at different times, from early on, at the start of the Mamluk period. Some of them came on an individual basis ; others came as political refugees or as prisoners of war, and were sold in the slave markets of Cairo. Once they were in Cairo, their destinies took different patterns. Some of them reached high position in the Mamluk state, even becoming sultans. Tatar slave women, who were known for their beauty and for their knowledge of poetry, singing and playing on instruments, were in high demand in the courts of the Mamluk emirs who paid high prices to purchase them. After tracing the various reasons and circumstances, which brought them to Cairo, the article explores their relations with the local society from various angles. It considers the multiple and varied levels of this relationship and of its impact on the cultural, economic and political levels. It also looks at the literature and the architecture that was linked to the Tatar presence in Egypt.

Keywords: Mamluk age – Tatars – Installations Tatars – Customs and traditions – Tatar women – Neighbourhood Husseinieh