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d’archéologie orientale du Caire


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Annales islamologiques 41
2007 IFAO
47 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Les fortifications fatimides du Caire : Bāb al-Tawfīq et l’enceinte en briques crues de Badr al-Ǧamālī

Archaeological research conducted by the Ifao on the eastern walls of Fatimid Cairo has brought forth new scientific evidence for the presence of a Fatimid mud brick surrounding wall. Fragments of the town wall indicate a continuity of the fortification from Badr al-Ǧamālī (1087-1092 ad.) along the entire eastern part of Islamic Cairo. This town wall remained preserved until the period of Maqrīzī, when there is mentioned an area known as “Bayn al-Surayn;” known as the zone “between both walls.” Our observations, yet unpublished, make clear the stylistic practices with regard to the Fatimid fortifications of Cairo. The enclosure wall of Badr al-Ǧamālī is interspersed by towers and quadrangular supports, only the towers belonging to the gates of Bāb al-Futūh and Bāb Zuwayla comprise of semicircular elements.

Keywords: Fatimid Cairo, Fortifications, Badr al-Ǧamālī.