Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
14 référencesreferences
Glass Finds from Fustat: 1972-1980
JGS 29
The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, 1987, p. 60-71
[701, 1100]
assiette plate bol bowl bouteille bottle coupe cup fiole vial flacon "molaire" molar flask flacon flask gobelet beaker perle bead poids weight pot jar
estampé impressed facette facet-cut filets marbrés marvered trails gravé engraved imprimé à la pince impressed with tongs lustré stained, lustre-painted mosaïqué mosaic soufflé dans un moule mould-blown taillé cut
• Examples of glass objects found in Fusṭāṭ:
– glass weight of Yāzid b. Ḥātim and Salāma (762-769);
– Kufic inscription: ġibṭa li-ṣa(ḥibihi)... ġibṭa (”prosperity to its owner... prosperity”) engraved on a bowl (no. 18);
– Kufic inscription luster-painted on a bowl (no. 21).
– glass weight of Yāzid b. Ḥātim and Salāma (762-769);
– Kufic inscription: ġibṭa li-ṣa(ḥibihi)... ġibṭa (”prosperity to its owner... prosperity”) engraved on a bowl (no. 18);
– Kufic inscription luster-painted on a bowl (no. 21).
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013