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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[17097] 2019 Campagno, M.
Reflexiones sobre la presencia egipcia en el Levante meridional a finales del período del Bronce Temprano I (ca. 3300-3000 a.C.): A propósito de Tel Erani
TdE 10 49-62
[17084] 2019 Bryan, B.M.
The ancient Near East and Egypt
A companion to ancient Near Eastern art 533-564
[16887] 2019 Milevski, I.; Campagno, M.; Gandulla, B.; Jaruf, P.; Daizo, M.B.; Czarnowicz, M.; Ochał-Czarnowicz, A.; Karmowski, J.; Yegorov, D.; Cohen-Sasson, E.; Yekutieli, Y.
Tel Erani, Israel: Reporte de la campana arqueologica de 2018 y sus antecedentes
RIHAO 20 5-22
[16871] 2019 Maydana, S.F.; Jaruf, P.
Orden y caos en el mundo salvaje. Comparando representaciones visuales sobre la relación entre humanos y animales en el Levante meridional y Egipto (Vº-IVº milenio a.C.)
Poder y cultura en el antiguo Egipto. Contribuciones a la reflexion historica sobre el valle del Nilo y sus periferias 14-37
[16804] 2019 Iserlis, M.; Steiniger, D.; Greenberg, R.
Contact between First Dynasty Egypt and specific sites in the Levant: New evidence from ceramic analysis
JAS Reports 24 1023-1040
[16728] 2019 Daizo, M.B.
Circulación de bienes entre Egipto y el Levante meridional en el IV mileniu a.C. Una aproximación desde los recientes hallazgos arqueologicós en Tell el-Farkha y Tel Erani
RIHAO 20 23-51
[16727] 2019 Czarnowicz, M.; Braun, E.
Observations on the stratigraphic attribution of the Early Bronze age pillared building in Area D at Tel 'Erani, Israel
BASOR 382 17-32
[16725] 2019 Czarnowicz, M.
Imported items
Tell el-Farkha. 20 years of Polish excavations 82-85
[17835] 2018 Knapp, B,
Early Bronze age
Seafaring and seafarers in the Bronze Age Mediterranean 63-79
[17477] 2018 Nigro, L.; Montanari, D.; Mura, F.; Yasine, J. & Rinaldi, T.
A hoard of Nilotic nacreous shells from Egypt to Jericho (Early Bronze II, 3000-2800 BCE): Their finding, content and historical archaeological implications
PEQ 150,19999999999999 110-125
[17155] 2018 de Miroschedji, P.
The urbanization of the southern Levant in its Near Eastern setting
Origini 42,2 109-148
[16964] 2018 Sowada, K.N.; Ownby, M.; Smythe, J.
Egypt in the Levant during the Early Bronze age: A view from Abu Rawash
Australasian Egyptology Conference 5. Schedule and abstracts. September 7-9, 2018, Auckland, New Zealand 28-29
[16893] 2018 Morris, E.F.
Trade before empire; empire before state (c. 3500-2686)
Ancient Egyptian imperialism 11-38
[16636] 2018 Adams, M.J.
Egypt and the Levant in the 3rd millennium: Implications of the new radiocarbon chronology
The 69th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt. April 20-22, 2018 Tucson, Arizona 18-19
[16530] 2018 Torcia, M.
Towards Upper Egypt: Items and cultural elements on trade routes
Desert and the Nile. Prehistory of the Nile basin and the Sahara. Papers in honour of Fred Wendorf. Studies in African Archaeology 15 451-467
[16449] 2018 Mączyńska, A.
Is there a place for prehistoric Egypt in the Near Eastern archaeology ? Some remarks on early relations between Egypt and its neighbours
Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Vol. 1 45-56
[16448] 2018 Mączyńska, A.
Pottery imports from the southern Levant at Tell el-Farkha (seasons 2012-2016)
Eastern Nile delta in the 4th millennium BC 91-97
[16428] 2018 Ktalav, I.
Chalcolithic and Early Bronze age IB mollusks from Beqo'a
Atiqot 90 75-77
[16314] 2018 Czarnowicz, M.
Egypt's foreign relations in the 4th millennium. The evidence from Tell el-Farkha cemetery
Eastern Nile delta in the 4th millennium BC 99-105
[16116] 2018 Nigro, L.; Montanari, D.; Mura, F.; Yasine, J.; Rinaldi, T.
A hoard of Nilotic nacreous shells from Egypt to Jericho (Early Bronze II, 3000-2800 BCE): Their finding, content and historical archaeological implications
PEQ 150,2 110-125
[17392] 2017 Lorenz, K.
The impact of migration on the unification of ancient Egypt
Shippensburg Journal of Modern Languages 2017 45-60
[16523] 2017 Streit, K.
Transregional interactions between Egypt and the southern Levant in the 6th millennium BC
Ägypten und Levante 27 403-430
[16417] 2017 Köhler, E.C.
Friedhof B. Importkeramik
Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof 25./26./27. Vorbericht. MDAIK 73 33-35
[16180] 2017 Streit, K.
The origin of the delta Neolithic: Transregional interactions between Egypt and the Levant in the 6th millennium calBC
Origins 6 International conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Vienna, September 2017. Abstract book 28
[16136] 2017 Pérez Largacha, A.
Relaciones e influencias entre el Calcolítico palestino y el Bajo Egipto
Actas V Congreso Ibérico de Egiptologia: Cuenca 9-12 de marzo 2015 817-828