Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
BEO 17813
Hussein, Y.M.
The recently discovered Naqada III settlement at South Abydos
el-Aguizy, O. & Kasparian, B.
ICE XII. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Egyptologists. 3rd-8th November 2019, Cairo, Egypt. Vol. I
SitesSites | RégionRegion |
Abydos / Umm el-Qaab / el-Araba el-Madfuna / Kom es-Sultan | Haute Égypte Upper Egypt |
PériodePeriod |
Prédynastique Predynastic |
Premières dynasties Early Dynastic |
SujetsSubjects |
Notes de fouilles Notes on excavations |