Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire


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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 103
2003 IFAO
22 p.
gratuit - free of charge
«Le paquet»: sépulture anonyme de la IVe dynastie provenant de Gébélein.

In 1911 Ernesto Schiaparelli found at Gebelein an Old Kingdom burial inside a shaft. The anonym burial Suppl. 14061 conserved in the Egyptian Museum in Turin was investigated by a multidisciplinary research team. The wooden coffin maintain part of its painted decoration and the mummy was led in a crouched position in a sort of linen bundle and apparently was not eviscerated. The 3D reconstruction was able to identify all details of the mummy and of the burial equipment. This was composed by a pair of sandals and a wooden headrest. Two small fragments of papyrus dating to the IVth dynasty were found at the bottom of the shaft near the coffin.