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d’archéologie orientale du Caire


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Annales islamologiques 43
2009 IFAO
40 p.
gratuit - free of charge
The Treatment of Arab Prisonersof War in Byzantium, 9th- 10th centuries.

De nombreuses questions demandent réponse, concernant les prisonniers de guerre arabe à Byzance, aux ixe et xe siècles. Cet article se penche sur les contradictions des sources narratives arabes et byzantines, qui ont conduit les chercheurs à exprimer des conclusions et des opinions divergentes. Il essaie d’identifier les raisons de ces contradictions, tout en révélant les motifs et considérations qui animaient la politique byzantine envers les prisonniers de guerre arabes.

Mots clés : Byzance – prisonniers de guerre arabes – violence – humiliation – intégration des prisonniers.


Concerning the Arab prisoners of war in Byzantium, during the 9th and 10th centuries, there are many questions which still need answers. This paper examines the contradictions of Arabic and Byzantines narrative sources, which led modern scholars to express differences in conclusions and opinions. It tries to find the reasons of these contradictions and reveals the actual motives and considerations which formed the Byzantine Policy towards Arab prisoners of war.

Keywords: Byzantium – Arab prisoners of War – violence – humiliation – integration of prisoners.